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Discussion » Questions » Finance » A Balance Sheet consists of Assets/Liabilities/Net Worth. It is not one-sided. Why do some folks think it is?

A Balance Sheet consists of Assets/Liabilities/Net Worth. It is not one-sided. Why do some folks think it is?

The value of what you own is reduced by the value of what you owe resulting in your net worth. You can own $40 billion  in assets but if your liabilities are $40 billion your net worth is zero. Does anyone KNOw what Donald John owes and to whom?

Posted - July 23, 2017


  • 35071
    No one has talked about a balance sheet. 
    People have talked about the value of a tax return.
    A tax return is NOT a balance sheet. 
      July 23, 2017 7:17 AM MDT

  • 22891
    probably cause they would like it to be one sided
      July 23, 2017 4:33 PM MDT