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Cleveland's male escort market is booming during this week's RNC. Surprised that so many Repubs have gay tendencies?

Posted - July 21, 2016


  • 2500

    Oh, grow up; stop acting like a recalcitrant 3rd-grader that's been denied their frivolity of the moment. I have no problem intellectually calling you out in a civil manner when all you seem to have as childish rebuttal are links to juvenile WEB pages, links that appear to be a violations of the site's TOS rules. ;-D...

    Yes, my "opinion" is just a ridiculous speculation to highlight the fact that the Post's story is a ridiculous fabrication. There was a time when legitimate news operations wouldn't think about going to press with something like that story without supporting, independent verification; but no longer, apparently. But you don't seem to have a problem with that lack of journalistic integrity in this case for some reason. Wonder how you'll react if they take a similar shot at the Democrats next week, all in the "justifiable" interest of boosting circulation? ;-D...

    And speaking of using a "Red Herring" (that's the best you can come up with, how sad) . . . you're the one guilty of that transgression. The post that you refer to earlier int he week was about about "name calling", (something that you do with great regularity by the way, like with your above link and comment about me). As to insulting others . . .I only tell the truth from my point of view, just like you, and people think it's an insult for some reason.  ;-D... ;-D...

      July 22, 2016 4:06 PM MDT

  • 2500

    Correction . . . meant that I was no more a fan of the GOP than of the Democrats. Saying GOP and Republicans is, obviously, redundant.

      July 23, 2016 2:17 PM MDT