Can I say this? Your momma was a beotch. That is such a horrid thing to do.
To take her side though, that is what people did back then. That was to show them not to do something. I had parents who proudly told me how they put their child's hand on a hot stove to show them how hot it was. Or a dad who told his son to put up his dukes so the boy next door would stop picking on his son. That macho nonsense. It was all the tools they had to teach back then, I guess. It seems overly barbaric now, but I suppose that is because I have had the benefit of learning why it does not work and the benefit of having other tools like self-help books at my disposal.
I remember staying with my aunt and uncle when my brother was born. I was 18 months old. I have a distinct recollection of walking along the sidewalk with snowbanks way over my head.
They just dont leave bowls of complimentary marshmallows in hotel rooms like they used to those bastards, and those blinking red lights on the telephones, i remember those. Do they even have phones in hotels anymore? THanks Nevan B. ;D
Oh we used to love that as kids. And as adults when we went to adult motels. Got us in the mood no mean? Either that or made us go to sleep if we were too drunk. hahahahhaha
You cannot believe what I can remember. Let's see. My grandma making homemade ravioli dough and laying sheets of it on her bed with a white floured sheet across the bed and her cutting the dough into long ribbons.
I remember my grandfather getting out of bed and having no foot. I thought that was totally weird the first time I saw that.
He had his foot cut off by a TRAIN when he was trying to board. OH WOW.
I was very young, probably around 3.
P.s. I just re-read this and I need to note that my grandpa was not getting out of bed when my grand was cutting up those ravioli's. That would be very weird.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at August 5, 2017 11:55 AM MDT
Did you make that story up Shar to the ROna? Cause other wise that is really cool. Especially about your grandpa having no foot. My father in law had a club foot that I asked him to show me, which he thought was weird, but he thought i was weird anyway, so i didnt have anything to lose. Are you Italian?
Baba is a He? Ooooooooo, me feel stupid. In fact, im so stupid, when i hear its going to be chilly outside, i get a bowl.
No seriously, that is awful. A box? I never heard of such a thing. I hope i didnt heart his feelings. ;(
This post was edited by carbonproduct at August 5, 2017 12:49 PM MDT