In SoCal, weathermen are considered an endangered species. The State Government is trying to relocate them to areas where there is weather, but it's a long and expensive process.
I was going to say what Alf just said. He just said it better ;) If you're a weatherman in Southern California, you just need to learn these few sentences. Summer: "Today will be a scorcher. Highs in the mid 80s to 90s lows in the 60s to 70s. Please don't water your lawns. It is even numbered addresses on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. It's odd numbered addresses on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday." Fall: "It getting cooler around the city today. Highs in the mid 70s to 80s. Tonight a chilly 65. " Winter: "Better break out the sweaters. Highs today in the 70s to low 80s. Tonight is a mere 65. Bundle up." Spring: "Look at all the flowers that are coming up this time of year! Today will be a bright 75 to 85 and a low tonight a warm 70."
Really a rather boring job. But, they do sometimes get it right.
Pretty well. Last time the tornado horn went off there was a tornado landing ten miles away. I almost got hit by lighting in my driveway. Sucker was about as thick as a telephone pole. Made the hair on my neck and arms stand on end.
OH MY! I'm so glad it DIDN'T hit you!! That is REALLY scary! Do you live near a lake or is it like that a lot during this time of year? I'm very glad you're O.K.
Hi Merlin. Actualy I live 9 miles from the ocean. In the 28 years we ve lived here there has never been a tornado ( i dont know why they have a horn, i think the fire station just likes the sound of it or sumtin, lol) but this time when the horn blasted, there actually WAS a tornado. It hit the Beach sign just down the highway, and affected our neighborhood, knocking down power lines and uprooting trees. The lighting was fierce. The weather has been crazy here the past few years. My son thinks its planet Nuburu , but i think he listens to too much conspiracy radio, (he is a fleet owner , truck, so he has alot of time in the truck) lol, I dont know what it is. Global warming? Who knows. hahahha