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Do you find it interesting the female menstrual cycle is approximately every 30 days just like the new Moon?

Is there some cosmic relationship?

Posted - August 5, 2017


  • 7939
    Not really. The moon is 29.5 days and the average cycle is 28. If they were linked cosmically, they'd be in sync. There are lots of things people tie into full moons- they say more women go into labor during a full moon, that the moon brings out bizarre behavior, and that there are more hospitalizations for strokes and things. But, every study that comes out and makes a suggestion is then later ousted by something that "proves" the opposite. 

    I read an interesting theory that it's not necessarily the moon, but its light that impacts people- that women's bodies go through different processes when there is more light or that it kicks off hormonal changes. That one, I think maybe there could be something to. Maybe. I guess in one study, women with long cycles (40+ days) were able to reduce their cycle length by keeping a bright bulb in their rooms at night. It almost normalized their cycles. And, there was another one that showed people sleep 20 minutes less at night when there's a full moon. 

    When you take into account that light has a huge impact on us- consider how it's being used to treat depression and how some train stations have installed special lights to stop jumpers- hmm... there might be two- special lights outside to stop jumpers and special mood-enhancing lights on board? Lights to treat SAD and such...

    Anyway, artificial light has totally messed with us and throws our bodies out of sync in general- most people know computers and TV wreck your sleep. So, it wouldn't surprise me if cycles really were tied somehow to light, and maybe that's why all the studies are different. Heck, it could explain why we can't prove any of the other things as well... why some women swear they and their roommates wind up on the same cycle, but science says it doesn't happen, why some people seem to be impacted by the full moon with other heath things. I really think it could be light, and I'd love to see more studies about how light and artificial light impact our health and behavior. Cool stuff.
      August 5, 2017 11:48 PM MDT

  • "No" ... but I do find it interesting that during the female's menstrual cycle
                is the only time of the month that women don't get headaches.  :)
      August 6, 2017 12:18 AM MDT

  • 1138
    Hmm never thought of it that way. Then again when I had it, (I don't get it now b/c the birth control I'm on stops it) my cramps were sometimes 'so' bad, that I would not have noticed or found ANYthing in this universe interesting... :/   (unless it was 4 hours after taking prescription meds, then I'd be ok ).
      August 6, 2017 12:32 AM MDT

  • 5354
    Not really. And anyway, as JA said, the menstrual cycle is 5% faster, not approximately the same.
      August 6, 2017 1:00 AM MDT