I don't believe he will win. He has to be the worst candidate either party has ever come up with.
They already have a good start on it, don't they?
I think Trump will win because the DNC and democrats made a poor, VERY POOR choice of selcting Hillary in their haste to get a woman in the WH.
The Dem establishement united from the get go to minimize the Dem playing field to ensure HC would win.
Trump is going to destroy the US and divide us more than ever. One good thing has come out of it.
The Republican party is DEAD
A lot slower than if Hillary wins.
They say life imitates art, no one said anything about using comic books as their role model
The day that happens America will be destroyed. People WILL revolt. This is not just America's little problem Trump is not the problem either. The fact that TRUMP can gain a foothold like this and make it, speaks of a much larger more vacuous problem. We have a broken country that needs desperate repair on the political and educational front. Especially the value of knowing your elected leaders. Or pretty soon, we won't even bother with the election process. Dictators are the next step.
#revolting against the revolting.
I think the apocalyptic language is uncalled for.
Unless there's a nuclear shooting war, no one is going to destroy the planet.
Yes, the GOP does not favor mitigation measures for some of the slow degradations of the planet which are occurring because of the non-negotiability of "The American Way of Life", but even under a Trump administration what mitigation measures are in place are unlikely to be dismantled wholesale, and even if they were it would still take decades for truly significant effects to emerge (which would NOT "destroy" the planet, but make it less habitable for humans).
I don't like Trump, but I don't think he's the embodiment of the Anti-Christ. Let's tone down the rhetoric.
You really think Trump can pull it off?
I have to believe that even level headed conservatives can't vote for this nut case.
Hard to tell, the same goes for Clinton. Between Trumps anger management needs and Clintons need for a fulltime babysitter to make sure top secret info. doesn't get in the wrong hands, I'd say it would take either of them about the same time to destroy everything.
Like I said...Unfortunately...I thunk he has an excellent chance of doing so
I think that one factor, voter apathy, may definitely swing the vote in his direction because many people are disgusted with both Drumpf and Shillery, but he has a passionate following. Who the hell is passionate about HC? Not me :(
Another factor is that SC has an opening and that is really sticking in conservatives head...
Drumpf is 4 year...A SCJ appointment is basically until they drop dead
A LOT longer than it will take Hillary to destroy the US and it's Constitution if she wins.
The planet won't be destroyed in either case. We may well continue to make it more hostile to human existence in either case though.
I think you have that right ... Trump is more of a symptom rather than the problem itself
That's what scares me... Germany, 1932
So, can we expect a Krystal nacht anytime soon?
Since they are already doing it, they don't have far to go.
Marg, I am with you and the rhetoric needs to be AMPED not toned down at ALL.
We cannot exaggerate the damage this man can and will cause.
1. He is devoid of any social conscience.
I don't need to add any further numbers.
I can totally attest to his fitting the format of the Anti-Christ. He is anti-education, anti-brotherhood of man, anti-peace.
He is the exact opposite of anything admirable. IT cannot be exaggerated what this man is trying to do. He is already doing it.
@MM -- I'm sorry. I respect the heck out of Chomsky, but he is exaggerting the problem.
1) Global warming will not "destroy the planet." It may fundamentally alter the climate significantly, rendering questionable the future viability of 8 billion+ people who are dependent upon a fragile system of food production. But the planet will go on, life for many species will continue,and most likely some smaller human population will figure out how to endure in the post-warming world.
2) While an all-out nuclear war would pretty much wipe out humanity, we've had the capability since the early 1960s. New nations have joined the nuclear club since then. Humanity hasn't been wiped out. Arguably, nuclear weapons are a STABILIZING force in the world because they render nation-states invasion-proof. That limits the scope of any conventional military conflict.
Meanwhile, probably the biggest nuclear threat to the world is the nation of Israel. They have expressed a willingness to take the world with them if their national integrity is ever threatened.
I am much more afraid of the government of Israel than I am of Donald Trump.