It tracks Social Catastrophes from 3000 B.C. to AD 3000. The same symptoms that occur before the collapse of a society are listed below. We are in the throes of one. All hands on deck. We're going down! :(
Symptoms Before Each Collapse of a society
Religious Fundamentalism
Rejection of Science
Right-wing populism is fueled by lies/alternative facts told via Facebook,Twitter and slanted Blogs. People read them, believe them and pass them on without checking them out. That is how many get their "news". They do not read newspapers or magazines or articles or books. They just go right to their internet fix and let others tell them what to think/believe as currently acceptable "truthiness" which is being manufactured and they embrace it and repeat it and forward it and and and and and. Prez lives on Twitter and often forwards things that align with his views that are pure bullsh** lies. He doesn't care. Neither do those who follow him and forward him to others just like them and him. A quick way to brainwash the many by a flick of a switch, the tap of a key or a SEND. Mindlessly and endlessing robotically reacting repeatedly. SIGH