Discussion»Questions»Business» Naive/Laughable/Impossible. A company that is as committed to treating its customers fairly as it is with making a profit.Crazy? Why?
I'd say it makes good business sense, especially if the customers are member of the public, because if you treat your suppliers and customers properly they are more likely to come back, and more likely to recommend you to others - so you increase sales hence profit!.
We totally agree. I think it used to be that way Durdle. It seems to me that greed has taken over..if not completely then mostly completely. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to you! :)
Greed... and complacency. The bigger and more monopolist the company, the less it need look after its customers. We can't tar them all with the same brush of course. Some do treat customers properly, but I've found the worst fault is in just not making it easy to contact them for anything other than buying. The IT and telephony trades seem the worst offenders.