Discussion » Questions » Animals (Pets/ Domesticated) » What's the coolest thing you ever seen a pet do?

What's the coolest thing you ever seen a pet do?

I know a dog that seems to be able to tell when some one has had one too many beers. And if she figures they have had too much she will wait till they leave the party then she will insist that she is going to walk them home (almost everybody that goes to that party lives in a trailer park 2 blocks away so they just walk there and back). The walk is along a pretty dark highway and the cars are going really fast. The dog will walk with the person on the gravel shoulder and if the the drunk person starts drifting off the shoulder she will gently nudge them back. If they don't get the message she will get verbally aggressive and let them know they better get back on the gravel. Penelope is over a 100 pounds of mussel and when she lets the person know they better get over they do. What I think is really cool is nobody taught her to do it she just stated doing it and has done it many times over the last few years so I bet she has saved a life or 2. Cheers and happy weekend!

Posted - July 22, 2016


  • My dog is super cool when assassinating squirrels

      July 22, 2016 6:41 PM MDT

  • in my lifetime, i've seen some cool pet tricks, but the two things that moved me were being unexpectedly comforted while crying by, one time a grown female cat, and the other time a grown female dog. the cat just popped up into my lap and rubbed it's head on my chin and kinda observed me, purring on and off and winking it's eyes at me when would look at her. the dog kept tapping my thigh with her chin ,and i'd smile at her and pet her then start crying again, and she'd start tapping my leg again. animals really do know how to communicate well.

      July 22, 2016 10:06 PM MDT

  • 3934

    My dog Harley (RIP) used to play "Hall Monitor" at off-leash dog parks.

    When he saw dogs getting into a wrestling scrum, or if several dogs started ganging up on one particularly submissive dog, he'd dash in and bust up the melee like a bowling ball knocking aside bowling pins. Then, once he had broken up the scrum, he'd give a short bark and trot off to whatever he was doing before.

    I think it was part of his Scottish Deerhound instincts. According to published material I've read, deerhounds will play either by charging at each other and seeing who "wins" the collision, or by playing "chicken" (charging at each other and then veering off at the last moment). Harley would sometimes (but rarely) do that with individual dogs. But if there was a multi-dog pile up, he was quick to charge in, break it up, and make sure that everyone played nice.

    He was a remarkable dog in his pro-social behaviors.

      July 22, 2016 10:17 PM MDT

  • 11591

    My brother's normally gentle cat jumped on his girlfriend and bit her on the chest as she lay on the couch. She put her hand on the spot where the cat bit her and discovered a lump. She had it checked and the lump turned out to be breast cancer.

      July 23, 2016 7:35 AM MDT

  • 11425

    Thats really something wonder if the cat smelled the tumor or it was physic or something. Early detection of  cancer is important so maybe that cat saved the person. Cheers and happy weekend!

      July 23, 2016 9:37 AM MDT

  • 11425

    Keepers of the peace are the coolest whether they have 2 feet or 4 feet.  Sometimes I wish I could understand and speak dog language. That last short bark your dog gave must of been saying a lot like maybe it meant something like don't  make me have to come back here. Cheers and happy weekend!

      July 23, 2016 9:48 AM MDT

  • 11425

    Ya cats really have a way of making people feel better. My cat spends her day killing things around the yard but yet if she senses that I'm feeling blue she will break off the hunt and come over and cheer me up. Cheers and happy weekend!

      July 23, 2016 9:58 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello N:


      July 23, 2016 10:06 AM MDT

  • 11425

    Don't shoot dogs life's matter. Cheers and happy weekend!

      July 23, 2016 10:50 AM MDT