Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » What's something you are totally sick of right now?

What's something you are totally sick of right now?

Posted - August 14, 2017


  • 5354
    There is a smell in my home, and sofar I have faíled to find out where it comes from.
      August 14, 2017 5:03 AM MDT

  • Could it be coming from underneath? 
      August 14, 2017 5:04 AM MDT

  • 5354
    It might, as yet all possibilities are open.
      August 14, 2017 5:08 AM MDT

  • I hope you find it. I know that has to be irritating. 
      August 14, 2017 5:10 AM MDT

  • 10666
    Road construction. It's one of two seasons here in Minnesota, the other one is winter.
      August 14, 2017 6:19 AM MDT

  • There is a lot of construction going on here at the moment. They are building apartments/townhouses all over the blasted place. Construction cranes have taken over our skyline. We have hundreds of people moving here every week and the one thing they are not working on is the roads. It's getting more and more congested every day.
      August 19, 2017 8:46 AM MDT

  • 7126
    People showing up wherever I go. Really gets on my nerves. How the heck do they always know where I'm gonna be? Grrrrrr.........
      August 14, 2017 6:29 AM MDT

  • 42
    People can be so rude as to leave their home when your out and about.  I got the memo and stayed home.

      August 14, 2017 6:41 AM MDT

  • Could be that 'chip' they put in you while you were sleeping....brahahahhahahahaaa
      August 19, 2017 8:44 AM MDT

  • 42
    Anyone not standing for the National Anthem .  Go hang out in the bathroom or the locker room until we are through respecting those who gave and are still giving their lives for you.  We won't miss you.

      August 14, 2017 6:32 AM MDT

  • 7126
    You tell em mister.
      August 14, 2017 6:33 AM MDT

  • 42
    I'm still mad as hell ....grrrrrr .
      August 14, 2017 6:39 AM MDT

  • I agree one hundred percent!
      August 19, 2017 8:47 AM MDT

  • 46117
    People who are STILL defending TRUMP. 
      August 14, 2017 6:44 AM MDT

  • There will always be three sides. Those for, those against, and those who really don't give a rats a$$. 
      August 19, 2017 8:48 AM MDT

  • 1128
    People with hate in their hearts and mind.  I have NO time for hatred
      August 14, 2017 6:50 AM MDT

  • That seems to be growing on a daily basis. 
      August 19, 2017 8:49 AM MDT

  • 22891
    the construction going on down the street for the past yr and a half, im sick of it, i couldnt study for school cause of all their racket and flunked out, i can never sleep in the mornings, not even wknds, theyre supposed to be done in sept and i cant wait, they took the library down to make a motel for a conference center, it was close to me and now i have to go farther if i want to go to the library, hate all their inconveniences
      August 14, 2017 10:59 AM MDT

  • Couldn't you have studied at night after they quit for the day?
      August 19, 2017 8:49 AM MDT

  • 7788

      August 14, 2017 11:08 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Right at the moment? This heat. We cant run our air conditioner down stairs because it costs too much, so i cant wait until the fall when it cools down. 
      August 14, 2017 11:15 AM MDT

  • I keep mine on all day and all night, even in the winter. I live in an upstairs apartment and get all the heat from downstairs. It's been hot and humid here for a while now. 
      August 19, 2017 8:51 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Wow your lucky. We are looking into getting a smaller house next year. My husband died this year and the house is too big now. It cost $1000 dollars a month to cool the whole house. Just the upstairs is only about $350. ouch.
      August 19, 2017 8:55 AM MDT