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Discussion » Questions » Emotions » Intensity of emotion can work for you I suppose. It can also work against you. Some are driven by it all their lives. Some aren't. Why?

Intensity of emotion can work for you I suppose. It can also work against you. Some are driven by it all their lives. Some aren't. Why?

Posted - August 15, 2017


  • 5354
    Some people go by "Mind over matter", Others go by "outrage and drama over everything"

    Both can work, but I prefer the first.
      August 15, 2017 5:16 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Some people cannot manage their emotions and perhaps suffer from borderline personality disorder discovered in 1980 to be a very serious mental disease. These people are driven by their emotions and live in drama and turmoil all their lives. The ones who dont have this disorder , dont do this.
      August 15, 2017 5:34 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I was thinking more about "normal" folks cp but you have given me a new slant on that. Maybe those who are driven by emotions (like HATE) do have personality disorders or serious mental diseases. That would explain a lot actually, wouldn't it? Normal people don't hate. I'm gonna ask a question about it and see who smacks me down because of it! Thank you for your reply. I'm giving you indirect credit for the idea sweetie! :)
      August 15, 2017 6:35 AM MDT