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Discussion » Questions » Weather » New York, Chicago and Los Angeles as well as a couple of dozen other US cities are under heat advisory today. Stay cool. Do you have cooling centers in your city where you can go for relief?

New York, Chicago and Los Angeles as well as a couple of dozen other US cities are under heat advisory today. Stay cool. Do you have cooling centers in your city where you can go for relief?


Posted - July 23, 2016


  • 44765

    Yes we do. We have some senior centers as well as the public libraries and a large veteran's clinic.

      July 23, 2016 6:36 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello Rosie:

    Cooling centers???  My whole CITY is a cooling center..  The entire country is steaming, except my town... 


      July 23, 2016 8:21 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Lucky you! Want some company? Jim and I have been surviving triple-digit temps for a couple of weeks . I won't bore you with exact numbers . Just count  your blessings. Thank you for your reply excon!  :)

      July 23, 2016 10:20 AM MDT

  • 113301

    That's terrific Ele. Thank you for your reply!  :)

      July 23, 2016 10:21 AM MDT

  • 628

    Hello there Rosie...

    Sure, we have a couple..

    the Fog that rolls over the mountain...

    The redwood forest that surrounds my house...

    A motorcycle ride down hwy 35 to big basin

    A motorcycle ride up 84 to the beach...

    That's where I go for relief, although it never really gets too hot round here...

    have a great day m'dear

      August 6, 2016 1:10 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Cooling centers?  I have no idea.  I figure if a person is too poor to have proper ventilation in the desert?  That person probably is too disabled financially and physically to get to a cooling center.

    We have grocery stores, libraries, rec centers and any building down here (as you probably know) are airconditioned.

    WE HAVE WAL-MART and it is open 24 hours in some areas.  Just grab a lawn chair and a magazine and stay the night.

      August 6, 2016 1:17 PM MDT

  • 113301

    Let's face it excon. You live in PARADISE environment-wise. And otherwise too., Lucky you! Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)

      August 7, 2016 2:22 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I know. I have loved northern California since forever. I remember once many years ago  a gentleman I was dating took me to a restaurant in San Francisco! I'm not kidding. I lived  in southern California!. It was very glamorous I must say and exciting. It was so many decades ago I'm not sure if I remember the name I think it was something like The Blue Fox . Anyway we flew up to San Francisco from L.A., he rented a car and drove us there and it was beyond the most elegant place I've every dined. The kind of restaurant you see in those high-class fancy dancy movies about high society. The next day we walked down Maiden Lane and I  believe there is a building there designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. We flew back to L.A. that day . Then of course my son got his undergraduate degree at Cal Berkeley so that involved many trips up north to visit him during those 4 years. He lived in Foster City for awhile then bought a home in Castro Valley with his then-wife. I LOVE the Exploratorium, the best place in the world for curious kids of which I am one! And Fisherman's Wharf and San Francisco sourdough and Ghirardelli chocolate. I am a huge fan. Thank you for your reply des and Happy Sunday to you sweetie! :)    ((hugs))  When Rich lived up there for Halloween they'd drive to Half Moon Bay and seek the perfect pumpkin among the different pumpkin patches. I remember it well. It was a very long time  ago though!   Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday!  :)                    

      August 7, 2016 2:31 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Thank you for your practical suggestion Sharonna and the cute graphic. Happy Sunday. I know where you live is hotter than where we live. In our retirement village we have the "clubhouse" and a large kitchen with chairs where folks can go to keep cool. :)

      August 7, 2016 2:33 AM MDT

  • 628

    Good morning...

    The Blue Fox, yes, I remember that place. My father took us all there way back when. He was wearing a suit with an open collar which wasn't allowed. They made him pick out a tie from the coat room to wear, so he picked the ugliest one he can find....He joked how it was the nicest place ever to be located across the street from a city morgue...

    The F. L. Wright building is the V.C.Morris gift shop although now I believe it is a Gallery of some kind. It was a prototype for the Guggenheim museum.

    Sadly, although the Ghirardelli building is still there, they no longer make the chocolate there.

    The pumpkin festival is still going strong in Half moon Bay, so strong n fact that I stay away from half moon for that week, the traffic is crazy. hwy 92 is the main road into and out of half moon bay, which becomes a parking lot so people actually detour up hwy 84, which is the road I live off of and turn it into a parking lot...84 is about 8 miles to the south of 92...We get a ton of traffic up here on the weekends during the summer, most being bicyclists and motorcycles and car clubs heading to Alice's ( a local landmark restaurant) but nothng like the pumpkin festival traffic...

    You would love the new Exploratorium, It moved from the Palace of Fine Arts to the Wharf several years ago, where it has more space....

    You'll have to get back someday...

    until then, Have a wonderful day m'dear

      August 7, 2016 10:40 AM MDT

  • 113301

    This is so cool of you to update me my friend. I appreciate it. I LOVED the location of the Exploratorium. It was so elegant and beautiful. But more space is always better.  As you know teachers take their classes there for hands-on experiences and once a class was surrounding a gentleman who was DISSECTING a cow's eyeball. I thought it was so gross but the kids were enthralled .  They had so many exhibits there and YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO TOUCH and experience all of them! No signs saying "do not touch".  I loved meandering in that place but I"m sure the new ocation is even grander!  They don't make chocolate at Ghiradelli's anymore?   That should be illegal! I remember the slow snaky drive to Half Moon Bay. Rich had some good friends who lived there and worked in Foster City so they had no choice but to negotiate  Hwy 92 TWICE A DAY. But it is a lovely place.  I suppose they have pumpkin patches in southern  California too des but I've never seen one. But then Rich and his former wife used to make such a big deal out of Halloween. I was up visiting them once and they bought and carved their pumpkin and put a candle in it. Then for some reason the electricity went out for a short while and we had dinner by pumpkin light. They had an apartment right on the water in Foster City and the drapes were open and you could patches of dark and light outside. It was so Halloweenish! As I recal they had fixed an Indian meal and it was ready to eat before the lights went out. Exotic spices and fragrances., I think it was Tandoori chicken! Gosh that was decades ago des and I still  have such a vivid memory of it. Strange the things we remember isn't it? "Alice's Restaurant"  Of song fame? I remember in  Berkeley driving by Chez Panisse. I think the owner/chef was Alice Waters? Never went inside though. What a nice present you gave me my friend. A trip down memory lane! Thank you for your thoughtfulr reply and Happy Monday des! :) ((hugs))

      August 8, 2016 2:08 AM MDT