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Discussion » Questions » Death and Dying » Driving a car into a crowd is what Muslim Terrorists advocate. The Charlottesville White Supremacist copycatted that. Barcelona too? Next?

Driving a car into a crowd is what Muslim Terrorists advocate. The Charlottesville White Supremacist copycatted that. Barcelona too? Next?

Posted - August 17, 2017


  • 46117
    The weapon of cowards and women beaters and children abusers. 

    Have a 5,000 pound tank around your body, put it in drive and plow into soft flesh and reverse and remove yourself and said murder weapon virtually unscathed.  Unless and of course that is if there is not a bigger tank opposing YOURS.

    It can get very close to needing bigger weaponry very quickly.

      August 17, 2017 10:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    SIGH. No way out . I think we're stuck. Thank you for your thoughtful reply and the awful graphic(not your fault) and Happy Friday.
      August 18, 2017 3:14 AM MDT

  • 6477
    It's  partly, and thank goodness too, that they have less/to no access to guns so they want a *weapon* that can kill as many people as possible in a short time.. bombs are the most effective.. car/van next. Stabbing and knives are less effective because there's always the chance of someone taking the knife from you and you expend a lot of effort and time - so hard to kill lots.. Whatever method they are using.. it's utterly deplorable :(
      August 17, 2017 11:37 AM MDT

  • 113301
    T'is true. Where this ends I don't know. Or is this just the beginning?  Thank you for your reply Addb! :) I think there is a lot more awful ahead of us. How long it will envelop us I do not know that either. :(
      August 18, 2017 3:16 AM MDT

  • 1326
    We live in a world of unimaginable horror. Just when we think we've seen it all, another event will shock us and shatter our senses. No end in sight if it weren't for the coming of the messianic king, soon to rescue those in peril. 
      May 15, 2018 11:41 PM MDT