Waitress Nurse (or any job where you have to touch people) Plumber Garbage Collector Maid (other than sweeping up bargains) Child Care Teacher (under college level) Race Car Driver Paratrooper Soldier Fire Arm Instructor Gang Member Criminal
Animal Control - Because I would let everything run free for the most part.
Gun sale's- I don't use guns and I don't really trust other people with them either.
Child Protective Services- I would lose it because I can't stand to see kids suffer, I would kill their abusive parents and end up in prison.
Used Car Salesman- I tried it, you have take advantage of people in order to make profit and be successful. I don't like wheeling and dealing or playing games.
Police Officer- I worked at a jail before and cops deal with drunks and violent people everyday and it's shift work and it's dangerous and it's not glamorous at all like in the movies. I'm thankful that there are people out there who want to do it.
I'd do that. I'm not gonna lie. At this very moment, that sorta sounds like a really good job. Zero thought involved and if the dog had really bad breath, probably means that it's having a great time being a dog and eating disgusting things, so he's happy. Happy dogs make SA happy! :)
So many things I'd suck at. Too depressing to think about them all.
You know that movie "Up in the Air", where George Clooney and that cute young singer/actress go around firing people from their jobs? I could never do that. No freaking way. Could not tell people their lives have just gone to complete sh*t because of corporate downsizing and try to put a positive spin on it. F that!