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Why do some people lie all the time?

So my ex drops off my son just now and he starts crying, telling me that he missed me and he's got a bruise and scratches on his arm from some kid that he was stuck with.
He said that his mom left him at her sister's house overnight and that she said that she texted me about it.
She didn't text me at all, I was at home and I thought he was with his mom.
He said he wanted to stay with me but he was scared that his mom would get mad if he texted me to come get him.
Like just tell me if you're gonna leave our son somewhere and make sure he wants to be there or just leave him with me!!
Why does she lie constantly?
Why play games?

Posted - August 19, 2017


  • 7126
    She sounds very immature and manipulative. Hope this is something you two can square away because you've got a lot of co-parenting left to do. And I hope your son is okay.
      August 19, 2017 8:54 PM MDT

  • He's ok she just has a habit of bending the truth just enough to suit her needs.
    She will always lie if it makes anything easier for her and it just ends up confusing my son and pissing me off.
    All she had to do is let me know where my son would be and then I could ask him if that's what he wanted to do and I could text him to see how he is and if he needs me to pick him up or not?
    I just need more communication from her when she's going to leave him somewhere.
    Oh well, he's fine.
    I'm just so sick of being lied to about everything and it drives me crazy.
    Thanks for listening to me compain. LoL!
      August 19, 2017 9:12 PM MDT

  • 7126
    No problem. Yes, what you describe is certainly immature and manipulative. And ugh, such a cliché but it's true. Good communication is key to your son's well being.

      August 19, 2017 9:20 PM MDT

  • Some people are compulsive liars, I'm no psychiatrist but something in them manages to justify lying all the time, we have one of these in our family and it's the most frustrating thing dealing with a person like this because you never know what's the truth and what's made up.  I do know that when called out on the lies they get very defensive and angry so you've got an explosive situation there.

    Your son is stuck in the middle of this but I think that it's reasonable that if you think he's with his mother then that's where he should be, if she doesn't want to take care of him on one particular night then he should be left with you.  It is concerning that he was put in a situation where he was afraid to text you because of the fallout from his mother. 

      August 19, 2017 9:27 PM MDT

  • I know, it's unnecessary.
    I told her how I felt about everything my son had told me and what I thought about it and she just said "Ok then."
    So she couldn't care less.
    I just have to deal with her sh_t and do the best I can to keep track of my son, I guess?
      August 19, 2017 9:46 PM MDT