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What fun things can I plan for these kids?

So tomorrow my niece is coming to visit.
I'm going to have two 10 year olds.
I've taken them to the beach, for pizza and to the toy store before and I'm hoping to take them to a big park tomorrow.
I don't know if 10 year olds are into playgrounds as much as when they were little?
I guess if I play on the equipment with them it might keep them entertained?
If not, what other things could I plan for them?
What movie would a 10 year old girl wanna go see?
Should I take them shopping at a mall or miniature golf?
I appreciate any suggestions, thanks. : )

Posted - August 21, 2017


  • 7126
    Big park. Playgrounds. Sounds like fun. I'm sure the kids would love it if you joined them on the equipment. You could bring a picnic. And some water guns if you're feeling really adventurous. I tend to avoid the mall stuff. Probably just me, but I didn't always want the kids relating "good time" with "buying stuff." Miniature golf sounds great. That's usually a big hit. Or you could ask them if there's a movie they've been wanting to see. Kids usually aren't too shy about expressing their opinions.   ;-)
      August 21, 2017 4:05 PM MDT

  • Thanks, usually they're glued to her iPhone.
    They make up songs and there's apps that mix it and put it to music and then we dance to their songs.
    I want to keep them away from electronics for the day so a picnic at a park sounds cool.
    Maybe a petting zoo or something too, I don't know?
    Thanks. : )
      August 21, 2017 4:12 PM MDT

  • 7126
    It's all good. The important part is spending time together. That's what kids really remember.   :-)
      August 21, 2017 4:42 PM MDT

  • 1138
    Ok those are great ideas!! I used to sit for a 9 year old, and she loved the movie SING! It is really cute.  She loved going on a walk and observing what she saw, then recording it in a journal :)  Another thing we did was create a Mad Libs.... you can either buy one, or create a couple simple stories... (where you have to fill in noun, adj, verb etc. ) and the story comes out silly with the words the kids used for the 'blanks'... that was really fun. I think mall is always great if they want to browse/get an ice cream. Board games can always be cool too!! have fun!!!
      August 21, 2017 4:08 PM MDT

  • Thanks, I'll have to look up that movie.
    Going for a walk could work because there are lakes close to here that have trails all around them and it's quite an adventure.
    I'll have to check the weather to make sure we could do it and maybe I could get them a board game.
    Thanks. : )

      August 21, 2017 4:17 PM MDT

  • Bonfire and bottle rockets. Get a bb gun for the coup de gras.
      August 21, 2017 4:20 PM MDT

  • Hmm...I do have a fire pit and could have a campfire and make S'mores.
    I don't have a gun or bottle rockets, but I could get those sparklers that kids run around with.
    I just found out that she's staying for 3 days so I need lots of stuff to do.
    Thanks for the ideas. 

      August 21, 2017 4:27 PM MDT

  • 10 year olds love camp fires and sparklers.  Especially if they are city kids who don't get to do that stuff much.
      August 21, 2017 4:45 PM MDT

  • 2327
    Do you have Netflix? If yes, just give them the remote and let them watch what they please. Or give them the controller for the XBox or PS3/4 for a couple of hours. 
      August 21, 2017 5:04 PM MDT

  • 7939
    10 is a really tricky age, especially for girls. Last weekend, I had a 6-year-old boy, as well two 9-year-old girls and another girl who is almost 8. A park would have only suited the little one. The girls never would have gone for it. That's not to say your niece wouldn't love it- just that she might be at the age where parks are losing their luster. It really depends on her maturity level and interests though. 

    We made tie-dye shirts last weekend. That was a fun project and the kids really enjoyed it. I also got a big package of glow necklaces. They started wearing them, then morphed it into a ring toss game, then they created a circle on the ground with them and summoned a "rainbow demon" named Sparkles. O_o That may not be something to aspire to though. lol

    Anything crafty or artistic is good if your son will go for it. Even something like painting or sidewalk chalk might be a hit. Your campfire and smores idea is good. If you go to a lake, you could do a scavenger hunt-create a list of things they have to find while they're there. You can involve them in cooking as well. Personal pizzas go over really well when I' doing kid stuff. You can make it really easy on yourself and just use English muffins, then have them top their own.

    Don't stress too much about keeping them busy. They'll probably find activities on their own as well.

    Good luck and have fun!
      August 21, 2017 5:08 PM MDT

  • Of course you made tie-dye shirts, LoL!
    I am worried that the park will get old quick for them, but she still goes on the swings because I ask her to go with me so people don't think I'm weird for using the swings at my age.
    I think we should have fun doing whatever because at the lake they just grab my arms and I run back and forth in the water dragging them behind and they love it for some reason.
    She has a great sense of humour and personality just like her dad did.
    We're really excited to get to spend time with her and my son loves having someone his own age around to play with.
    When I see her I still see her as a baby on the day she was born.
    I went to the hospital and my brother showed her to me.
    She looked like a little angel.
    I miss my brother and I just want to treat her really well and protect her to honor him.
    Now I'm crying again, LoL.
    Oh well, thanks for the suggestions.
    I appreciate it. : )

      August 21, 2017 9:25 PM MDT