It's tough.. I work for a college.. I love the college, it's got a good rep academically.. However, this same college actively discriminated against my daughter because she has a disability.. and the discrimination wasn't based on her actual disability.. but on a perception of it.. They hadn't actually even met my daughter when the principle made the decision..
Now, see that's wrong.. I know it's wrong, everyone else knows it's wrong.. and it's not acceptable for the college to treat people that way...
So that leaves me with what to do about it? I've (almost) made sure my daughter is ok now, she way more than meets the criteria for the course in EVERY way, but has decided not to do that course as she fears that the teacher will be horrible to her because of what happened... But I STILL feel it's wrong.. on many levels.. and me being me.. the injustice warrior I am feels that this cannot be swept to one side.. My feeling is that the college needs to face up to what they did.. to be made VERY aware that their actions constituted disability discrimination..
I feel strongly on this both because of the upset and worry it caused my daughter and because I don't want to work for an organisation that so flagrantly flouts disability rules and discriminates against people who have disabilities for no good reason. That is the truth.. there was never any reason my daughter couldn't do the course - her disability isn't relevant in this case and it was just that she HAS a disability that they did what they did.. It's wrong and I don't feel ok about the college treating people like this.. they should be better than that.. I expect them to be better than that!
So that leaves me with this letter... it needs to be worded very carefully, very professionally... leave emotions and stuff aside.. don't accuse where that isn't fully supportable... and at the same time, avoid pissing them off so much that it comes back to bite either me, or worse, my daughter...