I read print all the time. I'm subscribed to three magazines (New Yorker, National Geographic, and Wired) and I read physical books all the time (I don't even care for eBooks).
Almost all digital.. but, I found a stack of unread books, and found that I can read print too :P I used to have a terrible book buying habit - I still do, I just avoid book shops now :P
I read loads of books, but haven't read a print newspaper for years, not counting the ones they give away for free, and even then, not often. Magazines seem to have fallen by the wayside, too.
I read a print newspaper I hold in my hands. I like magazines I can hold in my hands. I've never read a digital book but I've listened to a couple of audio books (in cassette-format, ha!). The only books I've read are those I can hold in my hands.
I am in some sort of mood -- I realize I'm on an internet social site right now but I tire of all the technological warp-speed changes. Excuse me while I go send my driverless car to the pizza place where I ordered my food on my I-phone. Thank God I didn't have to see or talk to anyone at any point. ;)