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Discussion » Questions » Language » For you linguists out there. How many languages do you speak and which was the most difficult to learn? Why?

For you linguists out there. How many languages do you speak and which was the most difficult to learn? Why?

Posted - September 2, 2017


  • 6988
    As I have previously mentioned, I speak English AND The Three Stooges. The most difficult part of 'Stooglish' is understanding some of the 'Brooklyn' terms because those guys are from Brooklyn of the 1930's. Of course, Curly's "wowowowo" sound is actually his imitation of his pet beagles. He was a dog lover. That's why they called him CUR- ly. (A 'cur' is a term for 'dog'. 
      September 2, 2017 6:41 AM MDT

  • 13071
      September 2, 2017 9:16 AM MDT

  • 113301
    If you mentioned it to me I have forgotten it completely. I am not a Stooges fan. They hit one another over the head with stalks of celery fer cryin' out loud! Different strokes! Thank you for your reply bh and Happy Sunday! :)
      September 3, 2017 3:18 AM MDT

  • 17059
    Of the four I can read, Hebrew was the most difficult. It's backwards and the vowel pointing is tough to pick out.

    I only speak two. German was harder for me to learn than my milk tongue, Australian idiomatic English.
      September 2, 2017 8:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    So you sprecken zie Deutsche (sp?) and oy vey verklempt?  I had one semester of Spanish and 4 years of French. Parlez-vous francais mon ami? Merci beaucoup mille fois et joyeux Dimanche! Here's what I think I said. "Do you speak French my friend? Thank you a thousand times and Happy Sunday! I hope that's what I said. I have no occasion or reason to parley Francais so I am undoubtedly "rusty".  
      September 3, 2017 3:22 AM MDT

  • 17059
    Ich kann ein bißchen Deutsch. Langsam, bitte, ich finde es schwer.
    Non, je ne parle pas Français. That sentence I had to learn, with my surname I get picked for being French all the time.
      September 3, 2017 10:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Merci. Je suis impressed avec vous! :)
      September 3, 2017 10:38 AM MDT

  • Sacre bleu merde, j'ai demeure a la France, et j'ai etudie la francais un peu.  Ich spreche Deutsch. Ngo sik gong Gwongdungwa. Ngo ge pungyao hai Gwondungneuiyun bo. 
      September 5, 2017 1:52 PM MDT

  • 46117
    The most difficult language is Tea Party.  It changes daley.

      September 2, 2017 9:21 AM MDT

  • 113301
    A language I find difficult to understand much less speak. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      September 3, 2017 3:26 AM MDT

  • daily? 
      September 5, 2017 1:53 PM MDT

  • 44754
    Let me think...Obviously English. Then there's British, Canadian, most of Australian, and Jive. That's five.
      September 2, 2017 1:40 PM MDT

  • 17059
    American isn't English. Not quite.
    Aeroplane (which is wrong, you Yanks invented it so have the right to name it)
      September 2, 2017 6:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Jive? I do believe that British, Canadian and Australian are variations on a theme of English. Different dialects to be sure and vastly different colloquialisms/slang. Jive too. "Zoot suit daddy 8 to the bar"!  But that's okey dokey Ele.  Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      September 3, 2017 3:25 AM MDT

  • 17059
    You dig dis rap, blood?

      September 4, 2017 12:13 AM MDT

  • 44754
    I love those scenes.
      September 4, 2017 8:13 AM MDT

  • Russian, English, French, German, Chinese, Japanese. Japanese is most difficult to learn. 
      September 5, 2017 1:56 PM MDT