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Discussion » Questions » answerMug Members » Go Figger. An Answermugger keeps showing up to "answer" my questions but doesn't. He attacks me instead! Why would any rational person waste his time doing that? Whassup with that? A crush perhaps?

Go Figger. An Answermugger keeps showing up to "answer" my questions but doesn't. He attacks me instead! Why would any rational person waste his time doing that? Whassup with that? A crush perhaps?


Posted - July 24, 2016


  • It wasn't me was it it? lol

    I've had that happen to me on another site, but not so much here.  It happens. Some people get obsessed.  I don't mean this to be insulting in any way, but you post quite frequently and much of what you post is political so you have a big target on your back. 

    Oh well... You must be doing something right if someone is tracking your commentary and is irritated  :)

      July 24, 2016 10:05 AM MDT

  • 113301

    No sweetie. It wasn't you! I swear! Thank you for your concern though. I appreciate it GJ!  :)

      July 24, 2016 10:07 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I have been very spoiled on Answermug though WW. I have developed relationships with some super smart folks who regularly show up to educate me and take my questions seriously and are ALWAYS unfailingly civil/respectful/polite. My Jim tells me I spoil easily and he is right! I have a few non-fans who  are regularly insulting and I never read their posts. But this person started out friendly and cordial and polite and slowly reverted to insulting. Anyway it is now behind me. I told him I will never waste my time on him again. If he answers I shall ignore completely and never read another thing he posts. Why should I? I am under no obligation to wear a hair shirt and suffer fools. Thank you for your reply WW and Happy Sunday m'dear! :)

      July 24, 2016 10:12 AM MDT

  • 6988

      July 24, 2016 12:21 PM MDT

  • 7939

    That's not cool and it's a violation of our policies. Please report these issues using the "report an issue" button at the bottom of the page or by emailing me. 

      July 24, 2016 1:03 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Well, I used to come to your aid over this.   It wound up that you misunderstood my intentions to protect you and that  started your attacking and misunderstanding me.

    So, Rosie, my dear, you are on your OWN.   Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

    My intentions with you were always to take your side against this kind of crap.   I have seen people torture you and it disgusts me.  You don't ask for that.  But, you are famous for misunderstanding intentions.

    That opens up a whole new can of worms. 

    I see that stuff and it angers me.  But,  you don't get it. 

    I will continue to answer you and even love you from afar.   I will also continue to tell you the truth about questions you ask and my feelings about them. 

    I once,  a short while ago, thanked you for your questions on here and told you they were like fertilizer for the brain and you attacked me.   Obviously you didn't get it or were holding on to some prior misunderstanding. 

    So, I would never come on here except to voice my opinion.  If someone is just coming on here to insult you and nothing else, they maybe need to be reported if you cannot handle them yourself.

    I think you hold your own quite nicely.  They hate when you are polite back and/or just ignore them.  That is the best way and I have learned that from you, that it works best.

    I wonder why you always act like you are surprised when this happens to you though.  You have been asking questions and being attacked on a daily basis practically for the last 10 years.

    Some people are stupid jerks.  Some are not.  You need to learn the difference I guess.

      July 24, 2016 1:08 PM MDT

  • 17653

    You  are an easy target

      July 24, 2016 8:14 PM MDT

  • 113301

    No honey. It's not worth bothering you. I have the option of ignoring the post entirely which is what I do. I learned to do that long ago on Answerbag. If I don't read the post it doesn't exist and therefore cannot possibly bother me. Thank you for your kind offer JA but I respectfully decline. You have plenty on your plate and I do not wish to add to that load! Happy Monday JA! :) ((hugs))

      July 25, 2016 4:36 AM MDT

  • 113301

    Oh sweetie some folks would disagree with thee completely. If you read some of  my question threads you will see the Rosie non-fans who stick out like sore thumbs. They are never embarrassed at their singularity because they are so self-involved and intent on attacking me so all they can focus on is that next zing. Pity them. I do. They have nothing better to do than pick an easy target which I am since I ask so many questions. That is their entire life. What's not to pity? Thank you for your kind words WW and Happy Monday. You can clearly see who the malcontents are. They leave such sad tracks. :(

      July 25, 2016 5:13 AM MDT

  • 53667
    When you ask HIM about it, what is his response?

      July 25, 2016 6:19 AM MDT

  • 53667
    So if you no longer read anything he writes, how do you know he "attacks" you? Perhaps he's written in agreement with you, or brought up valid points on the topic at hand, or maybe he's even turned a new leaf and has ceased "attacking" you.
      July 25, 2016 6:22 AM MDT

  • 53667
    If it doesn't bother you, why have you started this string? Obviously it does bother you, which is most likely why you're trying to garner support and sympathy from other members instead of A] carrying on your campaign to ignore him completely (yet you 'know' you're being 'attacked' even though you don't read anything he writes) and B] taking Just Asking's suggestion.

    Could it be that what you consider to be an attack is not an attack at all, and that's why you won't report him?
      July 25, 2016 6:30 AM MDT

  • 53667
    Wow! (She'll put you on her list now, Sharonna.)

      July 25, 2016 6:32 AM MDT
  • Bez


    I've seen his sort before. He's a stalker and a troll.

    Happy Monday, Rosie. :)

      July 25, 2016 6:40 AM MDT

  • 53667
    Sound advice.

      July 25, 2016 7:00 AM MDT