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Gloria Steinem backs Hillary? I am surprised. I am more surprised about what she says about Bernie. Really Gloria?

Washington (CNN)Feminist icon -- and Hillary Clinton supporter -- Gloria Steinem says young women are supporting Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders because "the boys are with Bernie."

Steinem made the comment Friday night in response to a question from comedian and "Real Time" host Bill Maher when asked why the former secretary of state isn't doing better with young women.
Steinem said that young women will get more radical as they age, because women lose power as they get older.
"They're going to get more activist as they get older," Steinem said. "And when you're young, you're thinking, 'Where are the boys?' The boys are with Bernie."
Maher was surprised by Steinem's remark.
"Now if I said that -- 'Yeah, they're for Bernie 'cause that's where the boys are' -- you'd swat me," Maher said.
"No, I wouldn't," Steinem replied.
Steinem came out in support of Clinton back in October when she penned an op-ed for The Guardian.
Clinton's campaign has been worried about a split among female voters. Older women are solidly behind her, but younger women -- like younger people in general -- are more inclined to support Sanders.
She has tapped high profile millennial women including Demi Lovato, Katy Perry, Lena Dunham and Kim Kardashian in an attempt to change that.
But Sanders remains the favorite of millennials, according to the Harvard University Institute of Politics. Nationwide, a Quinnipiac University poll released Friday found Clinton clinging to a 2-point lead, 44% to Sanders' 42%, within the poll's margin of error.

Posted - July 24, 2016


  • Gloria is a feminist so of course she'll pull the gender card I'm not surprised.

      July 24, 2016 3:34 PM MDT

  • 3934

    Say enough things in public and you're bound to eventually say something stupid.

    There is a kernel of truth to what she said. Young people of both genders do tend to congregate where they are likely to meet other similarly-aged people, particularly potential dating prospects. I recall watching a televised discussion where a promient Democratic campaign consultant/manager claiming she knew a presidential candiate (I think either Gore or Kerry) was doomed because her campaign staffers (mostly young adult volunteers) were not getting it on enough (apparently, the energy of a strong campaign leads to schtupping among the staff).

    But the way Steinman expressed that was also horribly condescending, as it implied young women had not other political priorities or interests beyond, "Where are the eligible young men?"

      July 24, 2016 3:45 PM MDT

  • 5450

    No I didn't support Bernie Sanders because that's where the boys were.  I'm already married so I don't need to go where the boys are.  Bernie Sanders talks about the most important issues like jobs and trade and middle class issues and single payer health insurance.

      July 24, 2016 3:46 PM MDT

  • 46117


    I totally agree. I thought that was totally stupid and unlike her.

    I think she was venting her frustration over young women not appreciating just how serious this election is.    She is all for women's rights and they turn around and just don't give a crap about the relevancy of a Trump gaining a foothold.  But to say that young females that like Bernie more than Hillary have something for her to put down is ludicrous and really barking up the wrong tree.

    I think these young women Gloria is so unfairly putting down are women who are sick of the lies from both sides, R & D,  and are attempting to take a stand.  Like she, GLORIA STEINEM,  did so many years before.  She was hardly the popular choice as far as getting issues resolved concerning women's rights, but she paved the way.  She didn't stop and she is now a voice for women's rights, now and for several prior decades, actually.  I kind of find comfort in the fact that she is interested in Hillary.  I thought she was going to back Bernie and attack Hillary for being a stodgy old dinosaur.  I was surprised.   I know Hillary SAYS she is pro women's rights.  I think she has done a lot in that area.   She is a workhorse. 

    I think G. Steinem  is frustrated because we have no time for young women to come into their own and become more "radicalized".   Trump,  and his agenda, are not allowing for anyone to make any brave and original voting decisions now.  Sorry, lovers of Bernie and/or the green vote, we need to get TRUMP out first and foremost.  

      Again, comparing the average young woman to Kim Kardashian and Katy Perry is really alienating women who do vote.  No woman who is concerned with change wants to be compared to Kim Kardashian.

    Gloria, stop telling women to get off your lawn.  (that was just STUPID of her)

      July 24, 2016 7:37 PM MDT

  • 46117

    I agree, Livvie.  I am shocked and saddened that Gloria S took that tone at ALL.

    You and people who would  vote for Bernie are far from individuals who should be chastised.  I would have loved to have chosen him if my choice did not weigh in favor Trump getting in over either Bernie or Hillary.

    But I understand why he would be a great choice.   I'm afraid the way politics are, the freaking Republicans are just going to keep this nonsense up, election after election, if we first do not stop that despot, Donald Trump.

      July 24, 2016 7:44 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Did you say anything? 

    This made sense to you? What you just said? 

    She is PRO women.  This was a total insult to women and what she normally stands for.  She has never liked women who are complacent and uncaring.  To choose Bernie is not proof of anything like that.  IT was really off the wall of her.    She is picking on women who vote for Bernie Sanders.  IF they were Kim Kardashians, they wouldn't even get out of bed to vote.   They would vote Trump because he threw the best parties. 

    Shame on Gloria.

      July 24, 2016 7:47 PM MDT

  • I'm agreeing in my own way that what Gloria said was off the wall. But she did make the comment and said "the boys are with Bernie" it's really like a feminist to make everything about gender. Bernie is a male and Hillary is female so of course Gloria would pull the gender card. 

    I don't like Bernie but what Gloria said is typical of feminist crap.

      July 25, 2016 9:30 AM MDT