Discussion » Questions » Computers and the Internet » I guess you can't tell when you are talking to a bot or a human. Russia pulled off a master score on Facebook. Could you tell?

I guess you can't tell when you are talking to a bot or a human. Russia pulled off a master score on Facebook. Could you tell?

Russians tied to the Kremlin set up an unknown number of bots posing as humans to spread fake news, lies, alternative facts about Hillary so Trump would win the election. They planted all kinds of stories that never happened and gullible Facebookers apparently couldn't tell they were lies and spread the fake stuff around like manure. Russians trolled Facebook for a few years. Now it was discovered as early as December 2015 that this was going on but Zuckerberg kept denying it. Repeatedly. Consistently. Over and over and over. FINALLY he came clean and admitted it. Dogged reporters kept the story alive and kept investigating until Zuckerberg had nowhere to go but to admit it. I guess he was duped too. Allegedly those bot accounts have been cleaned out but HOW DO YOU TELL a fake account from a real account? Russians went to great lengths to set up fake people spreading fake news and many gullible people sucked it up. Russians knew how easily led some Americans are and so they led them by the nose and Trump won the election. It worked.  So I guess this is what we have to look forward to futurely.

Posted - September 8, 2017


  • 22891
    no, i cant tell
      September 8, 2017 4:47 PM MDT