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Discussion » Questions » Business » You're a stockholder. You want them to squeeze as much profit from the product as they can. Even if the product has safety issues? WHY?

You're a stockholder. You want them to squeeze as much profit from the product as they can. Even if the product has safety issues? WHY?

Posted - September 10, 2017


  • 5354
    It is more complex than that.

    If you are a stockholder it is only about the profit. Other people dont even know  what companies you have bought stock in, so it do not really matter to you if those companies have a reputation for shafting their customers or being dishonest. Profit is the most important thing.

    If you are a Company with a name profit is something you also want. First of all you want a good reputation for being able to make money. without that good reputation you will not be able to sell a lot of shares in your company. That is what Ponzi schemes are all about, pretending to be making lots of money by paying high dividends to the early investors out of the money later investors pay for their stock. Of course you have to pay attention, after a while you will have too many investors to be able to get new investors that way. That is when you need to disappear, taking most of everybody's invested money with you.
    But a big company. like IBM. Ford, Exxon, Microsoft, cannot just run away from their reputation. they have to deliver at least some value to their customers or they will die. With a big splash.
      September 10, 2017 8:55 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Here's what I will never understand JakobA. Gambling with people's lives to make a buck. Cigarette companies KNEW the damage cigarettes do but they kept denying it and lying about it. Auto companies LIE about mileage and emissions standards. Bernie Madoff lied about his investment scheme and caused many folks to lose their life savings with his obsessive desire to steal their money. Any way he could. Lying all the way. Businesses who cut corners to save a dime so the stockholders are happy. The public is always at risk and sacrificed on the altar of profit-taking. Look the other way. Maybe they won't notice. Maybe you'll get lucky. Just keep denying everything. Falsify reports to make things look good. ETHICAL/MORAL/HONORABLE/HONEST. Isn't that the kind of company you'd want to support? Do they make money? Aye there's the rub! It's always all about the money. Give me the money. There was a very good and very sad movie years ago with Edward G. Robinson titled "All my sons". It was about a man who cut corners manufacturing parts that were used in planes I believe. Which caused some to die because the parts failed. And he said they were "all my sons". Responsible for their deaths because of avarice. It seems to be in fashion. I wish I knew why. Thank you for your thoughtful reply! :)
      September 10, 2017 9:48 AM MDT

  • 34738
    No, because if a company is  selling a product that is not safe, they are risking a class action lawsuit=Bye Bye profits
      September 10, 2017 9:25 AM MDT

  • 2658

    An old Cherokee told his grandson: “My son, there’s a battle between two wolves inside us all.

    One is Evil. It’s anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies and ego.

    The other is Good. It’s joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness & truth.”

    The boy thought about it, and asked: “Grandfather, which wolf wins?”

    The old man quietly replied: “The one you feed.”

    Feeding the greed (making money)  causes many to turn a blind eye... This post was edited by Beans/SilentGeneration at September 11, 2017 4:54 AM MDT
      September 10, 2017 3:57 PM MDT

  • 113301
    The sad thing is one always has the choice which to feed. That so many are obsessed with feeding greed is unbelievably sad  but not shocking. Thank you for your nifty reply Beans. I like it a lot. I had not heard it before now or if I did I forgot! :)
      September 11, 2017 4:55 AM MDT