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How can I love myself when I can't even be myself?

Posted - September 16, 2017


  • 13071
    Whats stopping you from being yourself? Are you incarcerated?
      September 16, 2017 12:34 AM MDT

  • 5808
    you can
    you can
    you can indeed
    be yourself
    love yourself
    be free from your doubts
    yes indeed you can
    look within
    beyond your ego
    beyond your mind
    yes indeed you can...

      September 16, 2017 12:37 AM MDT

  • 13071
      September 16, 2017 12:40 AM MDT

  • 7938
    Depends on what you mean by that. For starters, you should be able to be yourself. As long as you're not hurting anyone or harming yourself, being you is fine. Secondly, we're all different versions of ourselves wherever we go. I'm different with my kids than I am with my boss and I'm different with a significant other, and I'm different with my family. I obviously wouldn't go to work and roughhouse with my coworkers like I do with my kids, and I wouldn't disrobe in front of a boss, like I might in front of a significant other. In any case, I'm always me- just the me that's appropriate for the situation. If you don't feel like you can be you in any situation, then maybe it's a good idea to find places where you can be you. Support groups and meetup groups are fantastic for that. 

    Loving yourself is different. We all have flaws and things about us we'd like to change. You need to embrace the things that are good about you. It may sound lame, but I recently joined a dance studio that's big on body positivity. They made us all go around in a circle and say one physical thing we liked about ourselves. That was actually difficult for me because I'm not thrilled with my body, but I never wanted the one to break the chain. It started off easy. Ok... I've got my eyes, that's a physical thing. I like those. Next time around, I probably said my hair or something along those lines. But, I'm standing in this room, and I'm very much a BBW, and I'm surrounded by these women with perfect bodies- some of whom are real dancers with perfect muscle tone and poise... Ugh. I figured it would be super easy for them... nope. They all struggled with body image too. By the end of it, I was getting pretty creative- I love my cheek bones (I do- I have fabulous Eastern European high cheekbones)... In any case, that's not something I had ever thought of before then. By like, the 15th time around the circle, I was really struggling with an answer, but then I came up with my c-section scar. I'm not thrilled that I have the scar, but I love what it represents- I have healthy children. It was kind of a cool moment because all the women with c-section scars realized their scars meant something good, and they became proud of theirs too. All kinds of crazy things came from the other women. One was proud of her implants- she was a cancer survivor. Another was proud of her.. uh... nether regions because she was transgender and post-op. Someone else loved her "good" ankle because the other was fractured. And on, and on. The point is, we all found things to love about ourselves, and when pressed, we came up with a crap load of reasons to love ourselves- and we were only allowed to talk about physical attributes. 

    Your homework: Every day, stand in front of a mirror and come up with one new reason to love you. List all the old reasons, and add one new one to the mix every day. Maybe you like your hair. Maybe you have an analytical brain that can solve puzzles. The reason doesn't matter, as long as you really do love it about yourself. And, to clarify, nobody else has to love the trait- just you. If you need a crash course in it, list as many as you can at once, and try to top your previous number the next day. It is a cheesy exercise, but it works!
      September 16, 2017 12:50 AM MDT

  • 6098
    Whatever you are is yourself.  If you don't like that then do something else.  Try making a life for yourself and then relating to and helping others. That should help you like yourself more. 
      September 21, 2017 2:53 PM MDT