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What is the most uniquely appealing thing about you that would draw you to you if you were not you? Why?

Posted - September 16, 2017


  • Umm... I think that I would want to be around me because I care about people.

    My older brother once told me that there was "Something wrong with me" because I care about how other people feel. LoL!

    It's empathy and that to me is what I'm attracted to as well.
    Thanks. : ) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at September 16, 2017 4:45 PM MDT
      September 16, 2017 6:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    You're welcome Truthseeker but what did I do/say that you feel you should thank me? Caring about people is a wonderful quality. I think your older brother is the one with the problem. Not you. Thank you for your reply and Happy Saturday! :)
      September 16, 2017 6:54 AM MDT

  • I guess that I say "thanks" as in thanks for listening to me or maybe it's just a Canadian thing?
    We say thanks and sorry a lot. LoL!
    If I'm in a store and I walk around a corner and a woman is coming the other way we'll both look up at each other and say "Sorry" at the same time even though it's no one's fault.
    It's kinda funny watching Canadians apologize to each other for nothing.
    : )

    Oh thanks for the reply and the compliment, but my brother just passed away and he had a lot of great qualities, but we were different in some ways and it's too bad that we didn't talk for years before he passed because we were a good team at times and we sorta balanced each other.
    He was more skilled and assertive and confident and I was more introspective and empathetic, but we were both pretty wild. LoL!
    I miss him very much and I learned a lot from him. I learned how to be cool from my big brother. : ) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at September 16, 2017 7:29 AM MDT
      September 16, 2017 7:07 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Sorry. Condolences on your loss Truthseeker. Well it seems to me you are very polite and thoughtful and probably would be even if you weren't Canadian.. It is sad when siblings or entire families drift apart for whatever reason. Some families become more close knit. I've never figured out the why of it. I'm the older sister in my family. But my younger sister was the assertive, confident and gregariously outgoing one. Very popular. I was painfully shy and a loner. We are very close now that we're older. She always told me that she looked up to me which surprised since I always admired her ability to make friends and feel comfortable in her own skin. Go figger! Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
      September 16, 2017 7:16 AM MDT

  • 394
    You are very empathetic and that is a great quality:) I admire your confidence to put all your feelings out there for all the world to read. You've suffered an extreme loss with the death of your brother and you have a broken heart with your divorce, but instead of closing yourself off, you are sharing your experiences with others, asking for advice, and just venting when life gets too hard. Empathy- saying thanks, is a great quality, and realizing that in yourself as something you would want from someone else is knowing respect-treat others the way you want to be treated:))
    This post was edited by ally at September 16, 2017 12:18 PM MDT
      September 16, 2017 10:37 AM MDT

  • Aww....thank you.
    I think sometimes I over share, but I guess it gives people something to read. LoL.
    You're very sweet Ally and I do appreciate it. : )

      September 16, 2017 11:29 AM MDT

  • 585
    I second Ally's comment. It's good to share and be vulnerable, especially when it feels really hard to do so. I'm glad you've found a safe space here for that. Keep on being you!
      September 16, 2017 12:23 PM MDT

  • Thanks, you guys are the best.
    On some other sites I would share my problems and some people were nice, but sometimes I would get criticized relentlessly and it would just make it worst so I really like Answermug.
    It does feel like a safe place. : ) This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at September 16, 2017 12:45 PM MDT
      September 16, 2017 12:41 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I am very laid-back and compassionate as a rule.  I am creative and like making things.  I have a sense of humor that most people find funny. 

    That's it.  I have no money.  That would be really attractive to me.

      September 16, 2017 10:58 AM MDT

  • 5354
    If I were not me then that most appealing thing would probably be some other thing
      September 16, 2017 11:37 AM MDT

  • 7280
    Most people like me because I am grounded, knowledgeable, and reasonable.  (Kids like me because when I am with them I am entirely present to them.)

    Since those were my personal goals in life, I would be attracted to anyone who had those characteristics.
      September 16, 2017 12:11 PM MDT

  • 585
    I love people who are relaxed and easygoing, and I feel that I am also one of those people.
      September 16, 2017 12:17 PM MDT

  • A friend who was also my attorney, once said that if he needed $50,000 to save his life and he needed it before sunset the same day, then I was the go to guy. Dogged determination and a passionate commitment to succeed just about sums it up. I do, however, have a sentimental and emotional inclination to faith and family. I admire strength and toughness, but I'm tenderhearted to the point of fighting back tears when so moved.
      September 16, 2017 4:16 PM MDT

  • 27
    I am fiercely loyal to my family and close friends and would fight to the death to protect them.
      September 16, 2017 5:16 PM MDT

  • 17019
    Im loyal. I'm friendly. But the biggest draw would be my quirky sense of humour, particularly my penchant for really awful puns and Dad jokes. Insufferable smartasses of a feather ...
      September 16, 2017 8:14 PM MDT