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What's on your mind today dear? (Don't worry. I won't tell a soul. It will be our little secret). ;-)

Posted - September 17, 2017


  • 6124
    That was such a long time ago!  Haven't you forgiven me yet?  I forgave you for stealing Boris and my Walmart man.  C'mon, we can share boy toys now.  I'll play nice.  I'll hand them back freshly washed and cleaned. ;-)
      September 18, 2017 6:10 PM MDT

  • You're just going to steal all my toys anyway:( ... so fine that's fine then 
      September 18, 2017 6:15 PM MDT

  • 6124
    I won't.  We share.  I promise.

    To prove it, I actually posted this song with you in mind.  I thought you might like it as much as I do.  Today's song that I just posted a few minutes ago, I also thought you would like too. :-)
      September 18, 2017 6:17 PM MDT

  • Lol :) oh yeah;) ... but don't forget my coffee and bagel next time! 
      September 18, 2017 5:55 PM MDT

  • Ok honey I promise I won't forget and I hope you had a good time last night, I did. : )
    I got no sleep and I'm totally exhausted but it was worth it because you are amazing!!!!
    See, I only want you so can we give Harry a massage please??
    LyricalOne says Harry's pent up so we have to help her right?

      September 18, 2017 7:34 PM MDT

  • What???? Oh sure.....after all we've been through??? you go right ahead and help her out....THAT'S FINE

      September 19, 2017 11:20 AM MDT

  • Ok, I see your point sweetie.
    I won't go anywhere near her ok.
    You look really pretty today, I mean you always do, but just put the knife down ok babe.
    We can do whatever you wanna do tonight.
    Anything at all...

      September 19, 2017 2:10 PM MDT

  • Yay!!! Haha this is the best fake marriage ever .... I just have to carry around a knife with me and I get what ever I want ;p oh and I wouldn't want to keep you away from harry .... I guess if you can have fake engagment to me you can have fake affair with her ;) but this is just gonna mean you have to buy me another pony .... I think we are up to 4 now :)) 

      September 19, 2017 6:29 PM MDT

  • LoL!
    I can't even have a fake affair Jaimie,
    I'd feel too guilty, LoL!
    Yeah you don't even need a knife, I'm used to being whipped.
    It's the only kinda relationship I know.

    4 ponies, of course honey.
    Whatever makes you happy.
    I made supper and yours is ready when you want it then I thought maybe we could watch your show and I'll give you a back rub before I go to work.
    Tell me about your day hun, how was work?
      September 19, 2017 8:02 PM MDT

  • Lol :) you're the besterest fake relationship I've ever been in .... the only one .. but still the best :) you're comment made me think this song ... being Canadian you have to remember this one! Wait... you going "work" again?? omg your spending night with harry again :(

      September 19, 2017 8:13 PM MDT

  • Yeah, I like Shania too. Thanks for that.
    Aww...I guess we're done pretending huh?
    Sorry, I think mentally I miss being married and so I saw this as a chance to regress back into being married in my mind.
    Must be weirding you huh? LoL!
    Sorry Jaimie, thanks for playing along for a while.
    Here's a Shania song I liked from the movie "Twister."

    Oops it didn't work. F__k!
    It was "No on needs to know."
    Oh well.

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at September 21, 2017 3:44 PM MDT
      September 19, 2017 8:29 PM MDT

  • You can be my fake husband anytime :) cos I said so ... lol didn't weird me out at all .... I'm bit weird myself incase  you haven't notice:)
      September 19, 2017 8:32 PM MDT

  • Aww...thanks. : )
      September 19, 2017 8:33 PM MDT

  •  I guess we are getting married then ;) lol :)
      September 19, 2017 8:34 PM MDT

  • Of course we're gettin married.
    That ring was expensive, LoL!
    We never really did plan the honeymoon I guess?
    Just so you know I've never been on an airplane because I was scared to crash and not be around to raise my son so what would be the best honeymoon we could have without flying?
    We could go on cruises or by train.
    I might fly for you, maybe?
    Where should we go, like I think we should do fun stuff that kinda forces us to work as a team so we can learn to communicate and we can bond and that way we'll really know each other well and we'll have each other's back and if we have kids we'll be an awesome team.
    So let me know if you have any ideas Jaimie, I appreciate you.
    Thanks honey, LoL!

      September 20, 2017 1:02 AM MDT

  • Honeymoon!! Yessssss we already have wedding all sorted out so have to plan the honeymoon!! I don't know about all this "team" building stuff though. I thought we decided you were gonna do all the cooking , make all the money and change all the diapers and clean up after my ponies.....I know!! Since you don't like flying we can go on a road trip across Canada! Annnd we can listen to radio stations I like ... eat at restaurants I want ... see attractions I want to see're gonna be so happy with me!! :) YAY TEAM! :)
      September 21, 2017 9:49 AM MDT

  •'d really go on a road trip with me because I don't want to fly?
    That means the world to me.
    Of course we can listen to your stations and check out attractions you wanna see.
    I'm only interested in checkin you out anyway.

    Umm...I'm ok with working and taking care of you.
    I like to do that sometimes.
    I do think you would enjoy being a parent you should change some diapers with me and we could cook together. It's a good feeling to care for a child.
    Yeah trip across Canada huh?
    There's some cool stuff and lots and lots of time together. LoL!
    If we survive this honey moon the marriage should be a piece of cake.

    Did I read correctly somewhere that you don't like the sleep in the same bed as your partner?

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at September 21, 2017 3:45 PM MDT
      September 21, 2017 10:02 AM MDT

  • lol :) you're too nice :) YAY road trip is on! ....and yeah if you could put up with all those demands on road trip the marriage should be a 'breeze' ;) ummmmm I don't know about this me having to help change diapers though :/ can't I just do all the fun stuff with the baby? And you do all the icky stuff? I think that's fair for me ;) oh and yeah have probably seen me mention on here I need space when sleep cos I do.. don't worry there's space for you :p
      September 21, 2017 2:39 PM MDT

  • LMAO!!!
    You are too funny.
    Actually changing diapers is not that bad really.
    Don't ever use a diaper genie to dispose of diapers because they stink.
    I just figured out that I could seal the dirty diapers in Zip lock sandwich bags and just throw them in the garbage.
    It works fine and babies don't poop that much, but they do get diaper rash and I learned that cornstarch is what cures that quickly otherwise just keep em fed and dry and they're pretty happy.
    The nurse taught me how to change a baby so I'll show you how when we have ours, LoL!

    Oh about sleeping I'm fine with that.
    After we're done I could hold you until you fall asleep then I'll sneak off to the couch or the spare room so I can get a good sleep too.

    I'm glad we're gettin all this figured out.
    This could be a pretty good marriage, LoL!

    Oh one thing.
    Do you keep your cell phone powered on all the time and would you be willing to have it be off unless you're using it especially in cars because I get headaches and nausia sometimes from cell phones??
    It's just something that's wrong with me, but if you turn off your phone I'll make sure your never bored. : )

      September 21, 2017 2:58 PM MDT

  • LOL yay we have the sleeping all sorted out! But wtf  On turning my cell phone off? Okay I'll change all the diapers just let me keep my phone or I'll have a meltdown! You don't want me to grab that knife again DO YOU?? 
      September 21, 2017 3:05 PM MDT

  • 6124
    Oh holy crap!   You can keep him.  He's too much f**king work! 
      September 21, 2017 3:48 PM MDT

  • He is??? Lol what about me? What do you say harry wanna switch teams  and deal with all my demands and drama? Lol ;p
      September 21, 2017 3:54 PM MDT

  • 6124
    You?  I've known for months you are a lot of work.  It was never even open for discussion. 
    I wish you both the best of luck in your fake marriage.  You're gonna need it. ;-)
      September 21, 2017 4:34 PM MDT

  •   September 21, 2017 4:52 PM MDT

  • LMFAO!!!!
      September 21, 2017 4:05 PM MDT