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Some folks EAGERLY embrace conspiracy theories. The darker the better. It excites them. Others pooh pooh such things. Why the difference?

Posted - September 18, 2017


  • 1305
    I think some people do not trust what their politicians tell them, and rightly so, there is a thin line between fear and excitement.  Conspiracy theorists maybe a dirty words now linked to tin foil hat wearer's and for a reason because some conspiracy theorists have turned out to be true.

    With WikiLeaks now and whistle blowers, why would you trust anything that anyone on TV or in government tells you?

    Try searching "politicians lying" you can find whole compilations.

    Another thing worth thinking about is that the media is allowed to lie, there is no law that says otherwise search it for yourself.

    The Smith Mundt law act of 1948 also negated, this means that they are now allowed to use propaganda to influence the public.
    And now and again, a person will drop a bomb of truth, not very often but now and again.

    Have you heard about the Qatar gas line?

    heard about Isis right, Putin had a lot to say about them...

    Notice behind Putin, "The World Order, New Rules or No Rules?

    So the truth can be dark

    Then you have those that are just not convinced by what they see, and they see patterns emerging, are their links? Nah

    For some, things just don't ring true...

      September 18, 2017 8:08 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Another overwhelming reply...very response to a very simple question kj. It will take hours to click on all these links. I'm sure it will be worth my time. I gather from the abundance of info you provided you are on the side of the conspiracy believers. That's fine. Now to answer your question. For me personally I have to put my trust and faith in something. I go by what makes sense to me. Whether it makes sense to others or not I stick with it. That is the reason I ask so many questions. There are too many liars. Too many hypocrites. Too many who deny what is clearly true because we have them on tape saying things they later say they never said. If people were honest and honorable I probably wouldn't be here because I'd understand what the he** is going on. I might not like it but I would KNOW it was so. As it stands I don't. People who INSIST on backing/supporting PROVEN LIARS drive me bonkers. Why do they do it? They suck up to the worst of us and attack those who point that out. Different strokes. My faith may be unjustified in other people. My faith in me is unshakable. If I don't understand something I ask for clarification. Sometimes the explanation is worthless and worse than what I questioned and I question that too. It keeps my brain active. I am not a joiner in general. I am a loner. So whatever tons of other people promulgate in the way of "truth" is often politically partisan propaganda and bullsh**! Tons of of folks are Facebook fans and Twitter fans. I eschew them. Many conspiracy theorists thrive on wish fulfillment. They dislike someone so they float a lie and get others to buy the lie and they spread the lie and gather more who believe it. I am a proponent of the scientific method. I do appreciate the time you spent providing the wealth of links. I am anti-conspiracy theory and pro scientific fact. If it  can be PROVEN irrefutably then it gets my attention. Otherwise it's just gibberish trying to sound profound/authentic. Thank you for your reply. :)
      September 19, 2017 2:59 AM MDT

  • 1305
    It's not black and white RosieG, some conspiracy theories are just that, other's have truth in them evidence has shown this in all the conspiracy theories that have turned out to be true.  I don't think believing conspiracy theories requires any brain power, it only requires instinct and common sense.  If the facts don't add up, if what you are watching doesn't sit right with you, then something's up.  Humans over thousands of years have managed to communicate with each other on many levels, our biggest one is behaviour, we know how people act in terrible circumstances because we think about how we'd feel or have felt.  We bound on a very deep and emotional level, and often stories that we hear or see, miss the target. I hope you do take the time to click on the links Rosie, because some truths are that dark, but denial is more comfortable.
      September 19, 2017 7:32 AM MDT