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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » If you are suckled on FAKE from birth when you are weaned authentic is distasteful to you. It's natural and normal and hopeless isn't it?

If you are suckled on FAKE from birth when you are weaned authentic is distasteful to you. It's natural and normal and hopeless isn't it?

From birth to death FAKE is the holy grail. There is nothing else. FAKE is all. The be-all and end-all. :(

Posted - October 5, 2017


  • 10052
    I disagree. I'd guess that at least 50% of humans have the intellectual capacity to educate themselves and form opinions other than the ones that they were spoon fed from birth. I think that the disconnect is that they can't be bothered to step outside their comfort zones and explore other possibilities. It's not really different from refusing to again try foods that they didn't like as a child. It's not hopeless, but it's not something that any amount of anger/shame/blame/brow-beating will change.

    I am sure that you're well aware that you and your daily deluge of Anti-Trump posts are and have been the subject of many posts, conversations, complaints, etc. on this site. I think that while you and I share many of the same political viewpoints and opinions, we are very different people. I believe 100% that the more that a person is inundated with an opinion on ANYTHING that they disagree with, the more they will dig their heels in on their own opposing opinion, out of defensiveness, if nothing else. I have encountered this frequently in a variety of subject matters. I don't like people shoving their views down my throat. Do you? Honestly? If there were 10-20 pro-Trump posts on this site every day, would you eventually start thinking "Wow, he must be a great guy"? I don't think so.

    I'm am not personally bothered by your questions, and I am sincerely not trying to hurt your feelings. Because I feel that we have become friends, I hope that you believe this. If posting the same basic things, over and over, is something that you need to do for yourself, by all means, carry on. If you're trying to open the eyes of the trumpites, racists, bigots, etc. (which there don't even appear to be very many of here), you are not only not helping, your incessant posts are actually making them believe in him more, hate more, judge more. In my humble opinion.

    Hope you will at least consider this, my friend. And have a blessed and peaceful day.
      October 5, 2017 7:20 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I appreciate the honesty. I don't read much here. I don't have time. I arrive..ask questions...try to answer some REPLIES but I am always woefully WAY behind the 8-ball. So what others say or do has little effect on me vis a vis their interest/condemnation of me. I never know about it. If it turns them on and gives them joy to join together in commiserating about me they can be my guest. It gives them fun I guess and doesn't affect me at all. So everyone wins. Nothing wrong with that. You cant react to that which doesn't exist in your world. I realize my questions are not for everyone. That's fine. They are for me and if I'm lucky someone else out there may find  something in some of them that resonates and the result of that is often a substantive conversation. I don't CHOOSE to ask any questions. If I don't ask them they badger me SA. They flood my brain constantly so I ask them to get them off my back as it were so to speak. I question hypocrisy and lies. Now if Trump stopped telling lies I would be able to stop pointing them out. I mean you don't stop pointing out murders if a murderer continues to murder. Each one deserves attention. He/she is guilty for each one and each one needs to be addressed. Same with lies and terrible behavior. There is no blank check/carte blanche here. When he stops lying and doing disgraceful things I won't have anything to point out. Simple. From my point of view  Answermug, as was true of Answerbag before it, is a place to say what you think. In as civil a way as one can. Politics is fraught with emotion. I try very hard to be logical and calm. I don't always succeed. So thank you for your interest. I appreciate it. It won't change me. All the suggestions of all the people who have come  before you (and there are many) I have told the same thing. I don't take requests. I am honest. I say what I think. Someone recently told me to temper it. If I do that I am not being authentic. He may prefer that me but I won't. So if I don't see you again thank you for the good times in the past. I am not the least bit offended. I retain my right to say what I think. Wouldn't I be a hypocrite if I tried to abrogate your right to do the same? I abhor hypocrites. I try not to be that which I abhor. It's so tacky. Happy Thursday and good bye for now or for however long you wish. Your choice!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at October 5, 2017 7:59 AM MDT
      October 5, 2017 7:55 AM MDT