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Do you always play the hand you're dealt or do you just fold until you get a hand you like? Why?

Posted - October 6, 2017


  • 5354
    Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em ...
      October 6, 2017 3:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm lousy at bluffing. I don't have a poker face. I might hang in for one card but when I see the writing on the wall I fold. I suppose to be an excellent poker player you ought to have mastered the art of bluffing. Right? Thank you for your reply JakobA and Happy Friday! Do you play poker? If so are you good at it?
      October 6, 2017 3:53 AM MDT

  • 5354
    No I dont play poker, certainly not for money. So I would probably suck at it. Still, pursuing your metaphor, poker is a god way to exemlify the real-life need to sometimes hang in there and sometimes walk away
      October 6, 2017 3:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    We used to play penny ante poker among family/friends. In fact I learned to play poker just watching my dad and uncles play poker in a back room after family dinners. It's been many years but when my sister and brother-in-law lived in southern California we would occasionally visit Las Vegas or Laughlin and do a bit of gambling. My daily "throwaway" money was $20. That was my limit. I figured it was the same as if I bought a trinket in a gift shop. One time I played a nickel machine and won $285! That was a heady feeling! We dined very well that day! Thank you for your reply JakobA! :)
      October 6, 2017 4:21 AM MDT

  • I know how the word "depends" bothers some people, but .... "it depends on the game that is being played."

      October 6, 2017 3:56 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Aren't Depends diapers? They hold a lot of babysh**  so the usefulness is limited in my opinion. Different strokes.
      October 6, 2017 4:22 AM MDT

  • Not just for babies .....

      October 6, 2017 4:31 AM MDT