Does fully automatic kill twice as many twice as fast as semi? Arithmetic or geometric progression? Are there double fully automatic weapons? Gun-ignorant folks wanna know these things.
Sorry ... You're wrong. Semi-autos are neither single nor double action.
"Single Action" refers to the fact that you have to manually cock the hammer for each shot. (loo up the definition)
And a Colt 1911 is NOT a single-action ... it is a semi-auto pistol. After each shot, the gun cocks itself and another pull of the trigger fires it.
A "double action" requires a trigger pull to cock the hammer AND fire the weapon.
Your explanation of "bump firing" is just another way to do it. But in essence, you keep the trigger depressed and recock the hammer in rapid succession. Yes, you cock the hammer by firing the gun ... and your finger on the trigger fires it. As I stated, you can do the same thing by "fanning" the hammer.