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When enough talented/capable/intelligent people don't apply how often are the standards lowered?

That could explain the abysmal record of politicians. Bad cops. Ignorant university graduates. Soldiers who went AWOL or were court-martialed. Low standards.

Posted - October 7, 2017


  • We came through a period of time where it did no good for talented/capable and intelligent people to apply. Skills, education and merit took a back seat to racial and ethnic background, demographics and quotas. When you lower standards for the sake of accommodation, you usually get what you're looking for. I've had some experience in hiring and firing as well as the built in pressures to tip the scale for any reason except skill. Now, all of us want fairness in both hiring and in the work place, but you have to determine what's important when looking at a resume.
      October 7, 2017 8:06 AM MDT