So far there are 40 Californians that have died, 5,700 California buildings and homes destroyed, 90,000 Californians displaced and 990,767 California acres burned.
sad for those that suffered from that... devastating. Thankfully live on the coast and not affected except smoke and ashes covering everything in the city. For days now it has been like that. The wind blowing it all our way. .....Heard there might be Rain Thursday and since it is still not completely contained am sure the rain will help the firefighters and those still in its path of destruction.
There's a lot of smoke and ash here as well. I even stood in line for a couple of hours at a local store waiting for a possible delivery of masks. All the other stores in my area were out of stock.
There's no immediate threat for me but county officials said we should be prepared just in case.
It's so hard to walk around my home and decide what I'm willing to part with and what I should take. My pets are a priority, then my belongings. Not everyone had the opportunity to make those choices.
My thoughts and prayers are with those that lost their loved ones, their homes and their jobs.