Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Humans are like machines. They have specific jobs to do. They need maintenance/repair to stay optimal. What wears you out/tears you up?
A very fine one-word answer palmagolden. Perhaps the best one-word answer I have ever received to a question and I have asked many thousands of them through the years. I remember once years ago I had $5 left in my checking account. My ex-husband was SUPPOSED to send us child support each month didn't. I had a son to support and the car started acting up. No savings account. I had a few terrible days during those times. We were lucky. I didn't get sick. We were never homeless nor hungry. But it did exhaust me. Worry does that. Thank you for your reply m'dear! :)
I do. Every day. I cannot remember a day that I haven't been grateful/appreciative for my life. I have this idea that if you don't appreciate what you have it will be taken away from you and given to someone who will. No one likes an ingrate! Thank you for your reply palmagolden! :)
Nothing. Some things may sadden me, like homelessness, poverty, child or senior citizen abuse, but time is way too precious to let anything tear me up.