Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » How many social movements with questionable results were begun by Boomers?

How many social movements with questionable results were begun by Boomers?

Posted - November 14, 2017


  • Quite a few, but that's to expected when a generation is coming of age during a major societal shift which they did.  You're gonna get some bad result experiments when there is such a huge and culture wide state of flux.
      November 14, 2017 7:26 AM MST

  • 6098
    Our parents wanted us to have the best of everything - including moral and social and practical skills. So we grew up with a great deal of idealism but as we started to become adults we realized that all in life was as moral or good as we were raised to believe it would be.  So we wanted to make it so it was and that was how so much of what so many of us invested in social movements started.  Everything has consequences and as soon as you make some changes for good then it also leaves room for the evil to get in there. 
      November 14, 2017 7:43 AM MST

  • 17641
    The push toward socialism right now.  I don't find that to be a good result.  Most of the boomers no longer are part of that movement though.  I said most.  The movement has gained momentum now due to the initial popularity of Obama and his socialist agenda and so much money being put into it by the you-know-whos and whats.  And, of course, there are more than enough idiots to follow the crowd without a real thought in their head.....all they hear is "we will make your miserable life better."    
      November 14, 2017 7:49 AM MST

  • The irony of it is, is that right from the Baby boomer start, the move towards strong socialism and it's evil half twin marxism is often most sought after and yelled about by entitled suburban college kids who are all bching about the 1% when they are themselves primed to be the next 1% or close to it in 20-30 years.  They are really just protesting that they aren't NOIW and have to earn it first.  Then when they do they flip flop a 180 and don't want to share chit and pretend they did it different or have some virtue.
      November 14, 2017 7:56 AM MST

  • 6098
    Of the kind espoused by Elizabeth Warren and that Bernie person - certainly most of us who grew up in the 50s and 60s never expected people to buy into such things.  But I think so many people stopped finding hope in God and instead started looking to the government for their "salvation".  The whole Marxist interpretations are to me so laughable applied to the U.S.  Where anyone can rise from the bottom of the heap to the top of it in the same generation if they play their cards right.  Growing up the poorer people we know may have resented those of us who were more well-off but they accepted our fellowship and help and learned from us just as we accepted theirs and learned from them.  Somewhere that seemed to break down and by the time Obama got is hard work and sacrifice and success were being demonized which I think was too bad. 
      November 14, 2017 8:14 AM MST

  • 17641
    It's part of a larger plan.  Interrupting society, creating racial unrest, destroying citizen loyalty and patriotism, increasing welfare, invading the country with immigrants, disarming the citizenry, scaring the population into submission in order to survive such things as an inferno planet ..............all of it is right in the play book.  And yes, traditionally moral legislation was the result of a moral citizenry and now citizens look to the government to teach them right from wrong.  That is totally backassward and dangerous.  
      November 14, 2017 8:48 AM MST