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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Another LOSER. Roy Moore couldn't score with women so he had to victimize very young girls. Arrestred development?. Peter Pan Complex? PERV?

Another LOSER. Roy Moore couldn't score with women so he had to victimize very young girls. Arrestred development?. Peter Pan Complex? PERV?

Posted - November 16, 2017


  • 6098
    A "loser" because he couldn't score with women? Or because he victimized young girls? Or because he has "arrested development" (not sure what that is)?  Or because he has a "Peter Pan complex" (not sure what that is)?  Or because he is a "PERV" (no sure how you are defining that)?  Or all of the above?  I would point out that most men go for young girls because they can more easily feel more powerful with them.
      November 16, 2017 7:47 AM MST