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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » The category of sh**head is not gender-specific. Who lies more? Sexual abusing perverts or women who say they were and weren't ?

The category of sh**head is not gender-specific. Who lies more? Sexual abusing perverts or women who say they were and weren't ?

Don't know what the ratio is. I know there are women who lie. I know there are men who lie. I know there are apparently zillions of men and women who sexually abuse others and insist they didn't. The abusers and the liars are sh**heads. They propagate and grow little people just like themselves who will grow up to guessed**heads. We are drowning in sh**heads .  How do you stop it since  there are so many liars? Or is it just what comes with the territory of being human beings and you believe whom you want to believe and disbelieve those you dislike and leave it at that? Truth is irrelevant and sadly it is getting more so as we make "progress".  We're all helpless aren't we? :(

Posted - November 20, 2017


  • 5354
    I am more likely to believe if several accusers describe the same behavior. patterns.
      November 20, 2017 2:55 AM MST

  • 113301
    Me too JakobA which is why the Moore/Trump defenders/deniers must have screws loose. SIGH. Thank you for your reply. So  which group do you think is larger? Happy Monday.
      November 20, 2017 3:00 AM MST