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Did you watch the last night of the Democratic National Convention? So I can ask questions about it.

It's good to get someone else's opinion of news events.

Posted - July 29, 2016


  • 17660

    No.  I  never watched one second of it.  

      July 29, 2016 1:15 PM MDT

  • 2515
    Ok, thanks for answering, Thriftymaid!
      July 29, 2016 1:18 PM MDT

  • 46117

    Absolutely it is Marg.  I am listening to all you say. I love your knowledge of politics, you know a lot and express it well.  

    I had it on here and there from the beginning day until last night.   I had it on and half-listened to a lot and listened intently to the points I found caught my attention.

    I loved hearing Joe Biden.  He was flawless.   I loved hearing a lot of the key speakers, but I did pick up on the Rah Rah aspect of the whole thing.  After a hundred or so people say the same thing, it gets a tad over the top to me.  I KNOW Hillary is greater than Trump and I know Trump is a bad guy.  But when one person after another tries to get the audience to stand and applaud over and over, it looks like a circus show. 

    I know it is the way things are done, but it turns me off.

    I would have preferred that interspersed with seriously quiet speakers who just spoke in a normal tone and said what they had to say, without treating the audience to a show.   It was like they had to concentrate on keeping the audience energized and it came across to me as suspect.  I don't like that.   I hate that as a matter of fact. 

    It looked like they were in effect, shouting BACK at Trump.

    They did not need to do that.  They need to bring a more sophisticated presentation to the table and show America how adults and higher minded officials behave in the face of that kind of debauched assery coming from the Republican corner.

    How's that?

      July 29, 2016 1:21 PM MDT

  • 46117

    How open-minded of you Thrift.

    I understand.  It was really hard for me to watch Trump.  I couldn't take much.  But I did not miss the pompous assery of Him and His Stepford wife aping Michelle who bought her speech from a ballet teacher turned speech writer.

    So competent all of them.  So, I don't blame you.  I wouldn't either if I wanted to keep my mind CLOSED.


    Towel woman

      July 29, 2016 1:24 PM MDT

  • 1523

    No I didn't.

      July 29, 2016 1:31 PM MDT

  • 17660

    I read.  I don't need to waste time on ridiculous expenditures called conventions.  There was a time in history that they really served a purpose, but that is long gone.  I didn't watch the other one either other than what I could hear from the living room where my sister and her family were watching.  I had surgery the first day of it.   There is nothing anyone could say to make me think about voting for a Clinton.  To call me close minded is ridiculous.  I know much more about your candidate than you do. That took much more effort than simply going along with the mainstream media like one of a herd.   I've tried to talk to you before about Clinton but your response had to do with Trump.  That seems to be how you think..........everyone and everything is either Democrat or Republican.  You aren't alone, sadly.  You have never heard me declare to be a fan of Mr. Trump.     

      July 29, 2016 1:38 PM MDT