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Does anyone in their right mind ever prefer a chiclet keyboard?

I hate these things.

Posted - November 21, 2017


  • 2971
    I'm used to them now, but I know what you mean. At least there are keyboards. Soon millennials will only use touchscreens and force the rest of us to do the same.
      November 21, 2017 6:42 PM MST

  • But, but, but touvhscreens are so gimmicky, inefficient, and silly.  they are so awesome.

    You can get used to them but the keys never rebound right and stick kinda if not hit straight.  Ugh these things are stupid.  I need to get to the store and get a real keyboard. 
      November 21, 2017 7:39 PM MST

  • 46117
    No way.  I ain't touching no screen any more.  It makes the screen all dirty and you can't see after awhile. 

    I guess I should not eat peanut butter and jelly while I am doing it.
      November 21, 2017 9:24 PM MST

  • 19937
    OK, what is a chiclet keyboard?
      November 21, 2017 7:38 PM MST

  • You are probably familiar with them but never knew that's what they are called. 
    This is a chiclet keyboard
    As opposed to this kind of keyboard
      November 21, 2017 7:42 PM MST

  • 19937
    Figured that out after I posted.  Thanks.  I don't prefer it, but that's what I've got on my laptop and now my keyboard at work.  Just hope they don't take away my mouse!
      November 22, 2017 6:58 AM MST

  • My regular keyboard chit the bed so stuck with a chiclet I had in the box for years someone gave to me.  These things suck in every way imaginable.

    Remember the 90's when they tried their damnedest to get us away from the mouse?
      November 22, 2017 7:04 AM MST

  • 19937
    Sorry to hear that.  I think that somewhere in the deep, dark recesses of a closet, I have an old-fashioned, unused keyboard.  I'm saving it for when I have a desktop computer at home.  I just don't like the feel of the flat keys.  So far, I haven't had the mouse issue.  I do, however, have one plugged into my laptop because I find it much easier and more precise to use than the keypad.
      November 22, 2017 7:09 AM MST

  • Meh, it's my own laziness to go 45 miles to get a new one. lol.  I think I got this thing from someone to use on the entertainment center but never employed it.

    Personally I always plugged a regular key board into my laptops at home. Better keys and can sit back with just board on lap.
      November 22, 2017 7:19 AM MST

  • 19937
    You can order one by mail fro Amazon.
      November 24, 2017 4:49 PM MST

  • That's what I did.  
      November 24, 2017 5:04 PM MST

  • 23834

    I like Chiclet Gum.

      November 21, 2017 8:56 PM MST

  • Me too. Used to be may fav as a child.
      November 22, 2017 7:16 AM MST

  • 23834
      November 22, 2017 1:04 PM MST

  • 5354
    Chicklet keyboards have come a long way since the 1970ties. the first ones (on the Sinclair machines) had no click and no tactile feedback, the only way you could know you had pressed a key was by watching the computers response on the screen.

    Personally I rather like them because they have a membrane separating the keytops from the electrical contacts. That is great for people like me who tend to sneeze in their keyboard. It makes Chicklets much easier to clean up after they get too dirty ;-))
      November 21, 2017 9:15 PM MST

  • Oh yeah.  The old soft rubber key chiclet boards were damn near useless.
    There are regular key keyboards that have membrane contacts too. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 22, 2017 1:06 PM MST
      November 22, 2017 5:26 AM MST

  • 5354
    I read up on it at wiki. if they have membranes, then they are by definition chiclets
      November 22, 2017 6:59 AM MST

  • No they aren't.  Chiclet is how the keys are layed out and designed.  Not what is underneath.  Chiclet or floating island keyboards means the keys have a flat area in between them are flat themselves.  Dome switch keyboards are basically a type of membrane keyboard and come in both standard and chiclet.  When you said membrane I assumed you meant dome switch which has a membrane under the keys.  I very much doubt you meant these which aren't chiclet keyboards.
    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 22, 2017 1:06 PM MST
      November 22, 2017 7:13 AM MST

  • 13277
    Does anyone in their right mind - or left mind, for that matter - care or think it makes much of a difference?
      November 21, 2017 9:21 PM MST

  • You sound like the most  miserable and lonely man I have ever come across. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 22, 2017 1:05 PM MST
      November 22, 2017 5:24 AM MST

  • 46117
    I think they are the utmost. 

    The living end.


      November 21, 2017 9:26 PM MST

  • I remember when they became all the rage. Started with the MacBook Pro of course. Now almost every laptop has one, and more desktop keyboards have them too. 
      November 21, 2017 9:58 PM MST

  • "I like mine, but I've never been accused of being in my right mind."
      November 21, 2017 10:37 PM MST

  •  I hates it soes much...   They are so awkward to type on and horrible response.   I'm being hyperbolic about "right mind" I figured some people would like them better but I cannot fathom why.
      November 22, 2017 5:23 AM MST