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Apparently the North Koreas have the capability to hack into any system they want at any time and do great damage. What happens if they do?

Take out our power grid. Everything grinds to a halt. All communication system are destroyed. Allegedly and apparently their capabilities in this area are VERY sophisticated and state-of-the-art.  I don't know if that's true bu t what if it is? Is North Korea a greater threat to us than Russia? Not limited to the threat of nuclear war but in attacking and crippling our electric/electronic infrastructure?

Posted - November 24, 2017


  • 3719
    It is a very serious threat, whether for N. Korea or elsewhere, and major organisations and companies need to take all steps they can to ensure their IT systems are as safe as possible. I think it also needs the monopolies of the likes of Google and Microsoft breaking, because the more everyone uses the same software the easier it is for hackers to gain access.

    I've wondered if one defence is for state organisations to use closed IT systems on dedicated lines, rather than using the Internet, to communicate with their various departments even overseas, and in strongly-coded ways. Also to employ full-time IT security staff able to monitor their networks, identify and quarantine and if necessary, destroy, suspect messages and build robust firewalls. Might even be possible to write operating-systems the hackers won't know and can't readily analyse, by being insulated from the Internet. 

    If they use the so-called "cloud" then they can give up and sell the hackers their secrets right away - this nebulous "cloud" is the Internet - or  rather, servers used by the major companies who now control t'Net!  
      November 28, 2017 4:05 PM MST

  • 113301
    I also read that North Korea does not use the internet at all for anything so there is no way to get back at them and destroy their grids.  I thought Russia was the great internet hacking "brain". I was shocked to find out that North Korea may be even MORE adept/dangerous. Add to that the test yesterday. Allegedly that ICBM could reach Washington, D.C. not to mention the rest of the US. Whether they actually have the ability to attach a nuclear warhead to it at this moment I don't know. I also don't know if anyone knows. But each time Trump makes fun of the Kim Jung-un he takes us closer to disaster.  Trump is so ignorant arrogant and obtusely oblivious. He has no concept of consequences. He lives in the NOW and indulges himself in every way possible. Too bad he isn't an intelligent person. If he were we would not be in this pickle. Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)
      November 29, 2017 3:07 AM MST

  • 3719
    I think more accurately, only the North Korean Government, certain departments and its security people use the internet, under very close control.

    The UK's National (electricity) Grid's control IT system is often under attempted attack by hackers, but is very likely very well protected.

    I don't know if the North Koreans have yet managed to build a missile that will reach the USA, whatever warhead it carries, but I fear it will only be a matter of time, and I share your concerns about President Trump. An interviewee on the BBC Radio news today, about him copying nasty rubbish from a British fascist web-site, pointed out that Trump is actually very clever. He may not seem to be very bright, and he's certainly ignorant, but ignorance and intelligence are not the same thing. So are the N. Korean leaders, and two sets of clever, manipulative people with much political ambition but little understanding of international affairs, squaring up to each other is a dangerous development. 

      November 29, 2017 10:28 AM MST