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Matt Lauer got fired because of allegations of you know what. Now what? Why not fire all men from all jobs and be done with it?

Posted - November 29, 2017


  • 32913
    Nope, that would be sexist.
      November 29, 2017 5:50 AM MST

  • 113301
    So how many women have been fired for sexually abusive activit ies m2c? Any? You are saying the problem doesn't go with a specific gender or are you saying to ignore it because that's just how men are? Seriously. Your answer makes no sense to me. None. Zero. Zilch. Nada
      November 29, 2017 6:10 AM MST

  • 32913
    Google "Male victim of sexual assault" and take your pick.

    I am saying you cannot fire people because of their gender. That is sexist. This post was edited by my2cents at September 3, 2018 2:05 AM MDT
      November 29, 2017 6:36 AM MST

  • 2052
    Just the ones who use their power and prestige to take advantage of women.  Before Bill Cosby was exposed women were not believed.  All complaining did was cause more problems for them. 
    Now, lat least, someone is listening to the women. 
    This post was edited by Sunshine at November 29, 2017 8:08 AM MST
      November 29, 2017 7:32 AM MST

  • 6098
    I think that is nonsense.  You were likely not around when we used to publicly post names and addresses of men who raped us - that was in Boston and Cambridge and Berkeley in the 1970s and 80s. Police depts nationwide all changed their domestic violence policies to seek peace after the big pushes in educating the public in the 1980s. And most firms around then developed policies to determine harassment. 

    All you have recently is women desperately seeking to justify their existence by their association with notable men who abused them.  Which is a very sad comment on how we think and feel about ourselves. Haven't you noticed it is always the celebs and notables they claim as abusers and never Joe sixpack or Joe average?

    And I don't see that we are being listened to any more than before.  Rather it has just become the flavor of the month and there is a rush by organizations to curry favor and gain points with the public by grandly sweeping aside anyone to whom even a whiff or a taint accrues.  

    Historically we have warned each other against men who were chronic abusers in the hope that we could keep each other from them.  This was helpful - what help is it to go public except for publicity for ourselves and to garnish sympathy.  Which, lets face it, comes easy among us.  Better I think to work at making a place vital place for ourselves in the world - each of us in her own way - than just bitching about famous when we have been with.  I want to be remembered by my own life and accomplishments, good or bad, and not by the fame of the man who "abused" me. 
      November 29, 2017 7:53 AM MST

  • 2052
    I was around and do not remember anyone posting names of the men who raped them. Your avatar says "office girl"  but I'd be willing to bet you are a male.  You sure think like one. 
      November 29, 2017 11:01 AM MST

  • 44328
    Yes, fire all non-gay males.
      November 29, 2017 7:34 AM MST

  • 23065
      November 29, 2017 8:44 PM MST

  • 6098
    Your question shows that you understand and accept that men are going to be more socially aggressive and outgoing. Which is in their natures.  It used to be said that if we wanted to work with men we had to learn how to accept a male environment. "If you can't stand the heat then get out of the kitchen" or "if you want to work in a man's world you have to expect ...." And so on.  Some of us who have worked mostly among men for over a quarter of a century or more have tried to make our workplaces better environments for the women who work there.  But in so many cases that is not acknowledged and those women who are able to enjoy the benefits of our efforts in those directions only resent us or envy us and try to undermine us.  Politeness and respect our two things - the first we hope for, the second we must each earn wherever we are.  But to many of us who have been in the workplace for many years the notion that a man copping a feel or grabbing our bottom or trying to go out with us or embarrass or fluster us by stupid sexist jokes constitutes a real threat to us or is in any way "abuse" is just ridiculous.  Using their power to force us or pressure us into doing things with us so that we no longer feel safe enough to do our work well - that IS abuse, if not criminal activity.   But if we expect that men will be Lord Chesterfield all the time we are living in a fantasy world.  Man want to be with us and will do what they can to that end. It is how we handle that which shows how happy or successful we will be in any given work environment. 
      November 29, 2017 8:11 AM MST

  • 6098
    Oh I never much cared for Matt Lauer.  I heard PBS or someone got rid of Charlie Rose - after years and years of his being on.  I will very much miss him whatever he is guilty or not of. 
      November 29, 2017 8:13 AM MST

  • 2960
    Do I get a good golden parachute retirement package?
      November 29, 2017 9:23 AM MST

  • 7919
    Probably for the same reason we don't fire all women under the assumption they'll get pregnant and quit their jobs/ become under-performing employees. 

    Not all men are predators, just like not all women will get knocked up, and even those who do don't necessarily become less effective employees. 

    If the network fired him because they think he assaulted someone, I'm betting they have pretty damning evidence we haven't seen. Moreover, the reports say they think it wasn't an isolated incident. Undoubtedly, we'll learn more information as time passes.

    I don't know of an effective measuring tool to show stats, but only 6% of the Fortune 500 List of CEOs are women. Only 12% of the world's billionaires are women. About one-third of the world's millionaires are women. So, these are the "powerful" women, capable of abusing the same power imbalance we've seen emerging in news stories with men, and the reality is, there aren't many at all. So, we're basically saying that, at most, if both genders were doing the same thing, one woman per every three men would be outed. We're probably looking at something closer to a 1:8 or 1:10 ratio in reality. So, going a step farther, how many men have been outed in recent months? 10? 20? If both were doing it, we'd still only have a couple women who would have been outed. 

    Generally speaking, about 16% of workplace sexual harassment claims are filed by men: 

    In the military, only 13% of men report sexual assaults, versus 39% of women. We don't know who the perpetrators are, but it does go to show men underreport. 

    I don't see data on how many men don't report issues in general, but I think we can all agree there is still a societal stigma that causes many men not to report- more so than women. Men are conditioned not to report- to suck it up, and often treated like they're lesser if they speak up. We see this with the teacher cases- when a female teacher pursues a male student, the guys high-five the boy, particularly if the teacher is young and attractive. Bedding a teacher (for a boy) is a "commendable" thing, so any young man/ boy who doesn't take advantage of the situation is considered weak or less masculine by his peers. Yet, when the roles are reversed, and the student is female, and the teacher male, we're quick to protect the girl. The male teacher is the predator. We villainize the men when they're in power, and then when the men aren't the ones in power, we still don't paint female perps in the same light. So, on top of there being a stigma for men and reporting, many don't even see themselves as victims, even when they are. 

    Going even further, if women are only in power 6-33% of the time, and 16% of all reported sexual harassment cases are reported by men (roughly 80% of sexual assaults committed against men are by women, so it's not men doing this to each other usually), doesn't that mean that about half of the women in power are sexual predators too? Hmm... maybe we should fire everyone, just to be safe.

      November 29, 2017 9:30 AM MST

  • 22891
    cause they need jobs
      November 29, 2017 4:40 PM MST