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Who is behind the multiculturalism of Europe?

Countries for the best part, use to be monotheistic sovereign countries in Europe, however over a number of years the demographics of Sovereign European countries has changed drastically helped by the EU with no cap on immigration, and asylum seekers, who is behind multiculturalism in Europe and the abolishment of monotheistic sovereign countries?

Posted - December 1, 2017


  • 555
    There is no EU-wide policy on immigration. The existence of large non-indigenous populations in countries like France, the Netherlands, Britain and so forth is mainly the result of policy decisions made by these countries' respective governments in the 1950s, 60s and 70s . . . long before the EU even existed. The catastrophic immigration policies pursued by Germany and Sweden in recent years are also their own affair, and in Germany's case may have something to do with collective guilt and self-loathing over the Nazi period.

    As for who is "behind" it all, I suppose the original reason was the demand for cheap labour, but in recent years I would say that apathy, complacency and lack of self-belief have all been contributing factors.
      December 1, 2017 3:11 PM MST

  • 1305
    Hi, Reverend thank you for your response.  I'm not sure how Germany's and Sweden's self loathing and collective guilt has anything to do with the fact that Europe is now being flooded with many non European immigrants? I don't think this is what Winston Churchill had in mind when he wanted Great Britain to be a part of a united Europe? I certainly don't think he would have supported Great Britain being run by Brussels, hence losing it's sovereignty. However, are you referencing the Balfour Declaration?
    Over a million refugees have come from Afganistan, Syria and and Iraq, in 2015 and there are five Arab countries far closer to these countries who share the same language and culture who refused to take in any refugee's from these countries.  We took 280,000 the year before, and 135,000 in the first two months of 2016. This changes the demographics of a small country especially if those people are allowed to stay and then have children, which in many cultures are on a greater scale than those who are born in the UK.  The Jews know this fact and that is why they only accepted 100 babies, in order to avoid changing the demographics in their country and hence their democracy.
    I never understand the excuse for cheap labour either, the UK has managed to get along fine without any of this for years.  Unfortunately, we have also seen an obliteration of our industries, and much of our country has been sold to France, China and India (which again the latter two have nothing to do with Europe or the EU. Again thank you for your response, it is certainly food for thought :) This post was edited by kjames at December 2, 2017 6:34 PM MST
      December 2, 2017 6:32 PM MST