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Looks like the half-dead Democrats are finally rallying and waking up. FINALLY. Maybe this is the only thing Trump did that was effective.

The state elections in Virginia and Oklahoma earlier this month show what could face Republican incumbents nationwide next November. Not only were Democratic victories overwhelming, but half of them were little morality plays: the 26-year old lesbian beats the Republican in the district Trump won by nearly 40 points a year ago. The transgender candidate in Virginia beats the guy who wrote an anti-equality bathroom bill. The boyfriend of a news reporter shot to death on camera beats the Republican, pro N.R.A. candidate.

I’ll say it again. Richard Nixon was not forced out of office by Democrats; not really even by Watergate. Democrats controlled the Senate and House every day that Nixon was president. They could’ve impeached him at any point. He resigned when the leading Republicans went into the White House and told him that not only would he be impeached and convicted, but he would take all of them down with him and they weren’t going to let him do that.

Posted - December 2, 2017
