What's the proper way to shut down someone who is hitting on you?
For example, if you're out and about and someone comes over and starts being flirtations- is there a polite way to send them packing that won't hurt their feelings?
No chance of that bub! I'm slightly past my prime. I"m just a charming b*tch who doesn't like being told what to do. Hubs was trained very quickly. Looks like I have my work cut out for me with a couple of youse guys.
By being just polite and formal and disinterested. Don't let them engage you in conversation and don't show any interest and above all don't be exasperated or act like they are threatening you. If they ask you a simple "no, thank you" should be enough and you don't need to elaborate. Some men might be hurt by that but should not be. Some will try and save face by getting into a big thing with you because then they feel they have to at least "win" at the situation by showing to themselves they are better than you to feel OK about themselves. Which is something you just have t take if it happens. But just let them run out of steam and don't allow them the satisfaction of engagement.