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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » One style human. White Christian Republican. The dream of many. They are anti-diversity pro-homogeneity. Why not HOMOGENIZE everything?

One style human. White Christian Republican. The dream of many. They are anti-diversity pro-homogeneity. Why not HOMOGENIZE everything?

One style color car for everyone
One male and one female "outfit" to wear in one color and one style
One meal that all eat 24/7 or starve to death
One "authorized" author, musician, artist, dancer, singer
One approved of home in which to live...all homes are interchangeable. Furniture, everything identical
One style of teaching. One textbook per subject. Science never included. Too variable.
Homogeneity in all things. This would be Bliss according to some. Are you a fan of homogeneity or diversity? Where do you draw the line and why?

Is a world filled with duplicates/replicas of you what you really want? Would that make you ever so snappy happy?

Posted - December 6, 2017


  • 2960
    Some might define "multi-culturalism" as the the same thing.
      December 6, 2017 7:32 AM MST

  • Diversity is good.  Yet when it comes to societies it has to be checked.  History and anthropology has shown that societies remain their strongest when they are culturally homogenous.  A segment of diversity is good and healthy for a society too but it cannot and should not be at the sacrifice of the host culture.  All nations and peoples should and do have the right to preserve their cultural identity in the homeland.
      December 6, 2017 7:38 AM MST

  • 1233
    Diversity is the spice of life, though society has to be on the same page on the things that really matter. You are conflating things that matter with things that don't. You can't compare people's deeply held values, with superficial things.

    Some cultures are incompatible with each other. There is no place in western society for people who mutilate a girls genitals, or execute homosexuals (but strangely think homosexual pedophilia is just fine), or that a woman not covered from head to toe deserves to be raped.

    If diversity is so important to you, you should think very carefully before opening your nation's gates to people who don't believe in diversity. You seriously think American Christian conservatives are the most conformist culture out there?  LOL!

    There is not a single society in the world with a Muslim population greater than 10% and less than 100% that is at peace. 
      December 6, 2017 12:41 PM MST