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Explain how you get physical? (not sexually)

Posted - December 6, 2017


  • 53634

      Don't GET me started, Recruit Harris! And why is that nametag on crooked?  Your boots look like you shined them with a muddy Hershey bar, that haircut is not regulation, and you've got more freckles on the left side of your face than you do the right side!  Drop and give me twenty-five, and each one better look as if you're qualifying for the Olympics! Grrrrrrrr!

      December 6, 2017 9:18 PM MST

  • 5354
    Yet you posted the Olivia Newton John version of 'Lets ge physical' with the question, and that is definitely about sex

    But there are a great many ways to 'get physical' one of the most reliable is to grab the glass of a random stranger in the bar and drink from it. Instant bar fight. (dont do this kids. You can get seriously hurt)
      December 6, 2017 9:37 PM MST

  • 13395
    Lady invited me over for dinner then demanded that I must pay for the meal.. oh did you say not sexually? 

    Eating is a physical activity. 
      December 7, 2017 12:36 AM MST

  • 3523
    Maybe I would greet you with a friendly hug and kiss.
    ryan gosling kiss GIF
      December 7, 2017 7:24 PM MST