It's true. It's so hard.
Use men are so much easier. Is it cool or useful? Then that's what you get us. You can even have fun just looking at the kinds of stuff guys like. Tools, outdoor equipment, car and motorcycle stuff.. Hell just get us a new switch blade or a nice hip flask and we are elated. A new fishing pole? Awesome. Snow shoes? I needed a new pair. A bottle of single malt Scotch? Thank you so much. You bought me a sawzall? Great!
See how easy that is? Just ask yourself. " Is this awesome, fun, or useful?" If the answer is no then don't get it. If yes it's a winner.
When shopping for women for Christmas though different story. You can't do that because it's one piece of crap that is terrible and another equal piece of crap that is wonderful. There's no rhyme or reason to it.
Women? One is perfect and the other is ugly. Both things are useless and boring and both cost a fortune for a piece of cloth or a useless trinket that fits in 1inx1in box. It is also never fun or interesting looking at the stuff that women like.
You go shopping for a woman and you just feel " That place just scammed me". Then you worry if she will like it because it defies reason that they anyone would get that excited fora $200 pendant or $130 shoes that aren't steal toed or some expensive bottle of concentrated tear gas called perfume.