Me too Weylon. In 2008 I was diagnosed with cancer so I went through the chemo and radiation and hair loss. I was told that memory could be adversely affected. It was. But I'm here and so far cancer-free so I got no complaints. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
Thanks m'dear. Well I'll tell ya the cancer took me to a level of life I really didn't know existed. I was overwhelmed with the kindness of volunteers who were always there to help. Many of them were cancer survivors. We'd get FREE knit caps to cover our bald heads. Folks often knit wraps or throws and gave them out to us. We felt complete strangers. It opened my eyes to something I'd only read about. In my case I did very well. I was given a 14% chance of surviving 5 years Weylon. I'm still here! I'm one of the lucky ones! Once you get a "disease/condition" you learn about things you never knew and I guess that's the upside/the positive side. You become a different person. Now when I see women with that look in their eyes wearing knit hats that cover their entire heads I know it's because they lost their hair. The thing about being bald that really surprised me was that my head was always so cold. Even in summer time I wore knit hats in the house. I don't know how bald folks manage to stay warm. :)
No, I can tell mine is not as good as it was as few years ago. I used to be able to walk my store and tell you exactly how many of each item I have and where they are at. I can't do that anymore I have to write it down now.
My memory is getting bad. I blame the internet. I read The Shallows by Nicholas Carr and there was my brain, all explained. I try to give up the internet and after a while I get better, but it calls me back. Serious addiction going on.