I first read it as a teen, and though the particulars of the story are fuzzy, the feelings it inspired are clear all these years later. I was just thinking I should read it again.
Most of my reading is for educational purposes, but it sounds like it could be very educational for the mind and spirit. I know I enjoyed "The Celestine Prophecy" for that reason.
If I were you I'd hang onto your copy. It might be worth something one day. :)
I just went back to the site and noticed this ..... https://www.raptisrarebooks.com/product/jonathan-livingston-seagull-richard-bach-first-edition-signed-1972-2/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMImOCvqMuJ2AIVAZV-Ch0VTA0wEAYYASABEgLIz_D_BwE
It may not be the most amazing adventure, but I'd like to walk the Appalachian trail in its entirety or sail across the ocean in a sailing ship much like an old clipper ship.