My aunt used to drink at least that many Pepsi's a day. You'd never see her without a Pepsi in her hand or within reaching distance. Whenever she’d come to visit, she’d always bring her Pepsi with her. Even when I'd spend a week each summer down at her house, she always had Pepsi's with her – the public pool, the mini golf course, and the drive-in … even in the car. The only time she didn’t have a Pepsi with her was at church. When they came out with a diet version of Pepsi, my aunt quickly switched to drinking that (but still in the same quantities). I tasted it once and it was nasty (as were all diet sodas). It wasn't until my aunt had a total mental breakdown that she stopped her soda habit (addiction). I wonder if all that soda she consumed played a part in her having a breakdown?
My mom said soda wasn't good for young children (water and milk only), so I wasn’t allowed to have any of Aunt May’s Pepsi’s (or any other soda for that matter). However, Aunt May did let me drink a bottle (or two) when I was there in the summer (don’t tell your mother). Sure I was allowed to drink some soda on holidays - but only because my aunt would buy endless cases of the stuff (all flavors and varieties – no beer!). Even so, I was only allowed to have two cans/bottles. Well of course I’d sneak more, I was a kid and soda was rare. Why, I was even known to stuff a can or two in my pants pockets just before I went home (I was sure no one noticed). At the time, I thought that "depriving me of soda" was unfair (I loved soda!). Still I’d always gripe, “Why does everyone else get to drink soda and I don't?” “How come Aunt May and her kids gets to drink soda when they come up to visit but I can't have any?” Although I was a good whiner (much better than my siblings were), my whining never got me any soda. It got me sent outside or to my room a time or two, but never any soda.
Looking back, I'm glad my mom didn't allow me to drink much of that stuff. Here I am in my mid 50's with strong healthy teeth (all of them), my bones are strong, and I don't have diabetes or cancer… all things that have been associated with consuming great quantities of soda when young. When I got my first job I did go through a brief period when I drank soda (no one to say I couldn’t), but it didn’t last. It was a bit expensive (I only made $6.10/hr) and drinking soda as an adult isn’t near as much fun as it was when you were a kid. Wonder what Aunt May saw in it?