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D'ya think drinking 12 diet cokes a day is excessive or normal? What does it do to the body healthwise? Ever drink that many anything?

Posted - December 14, 2017


  • 10766

    My aunt used to drink at least that many Pepsi's a day.  You'd never see her without a Pepsi in her hand or within reaching distance.  Whenever she’d come to visit, she’d always bring her Pepsi with her.   Even when I'd spend a week each summer down at her house, she always had Pepsi's with her – the public pool, the mini golf course, and the drive-in … even in the car.    The only time she didn’t have a Pepsi with her was at church.   When they came out with a diet version of Pepsi, my aunt quickly switched to drinking that (but still in the same quantities).  I tasted it once and it was nasty (as were all diet sodas).  It wasn't until my aunt had a total mental breakdown that she stopped her soda habit (addiction).   I wonder if all that soda she consumed played a part in her having a breakdown?  

    My mom said soda wasn't good for young children (water and milk only), so I wasn’t allowed to have any of Aunt May’s Pepsi’s (or any other soda for that matter).  However, Aunt May did let me drink a bottle (or two) when I was there in the summer (don’t tell your mother).  Sure I was allowed to drink some soda on holidays - but only because my aunt would buy endless cases of the stuff (all flavors and varieties – no beer!).  Even so, I was only allowed to have two cans/bottles.  Well of course I’d sneak more, I was a kid and soda was rare.  Why, I was even known to stuff a can or two in my pants pockets just before I went home (I was sure no one noticed).  At the time, I thought that "depriving me of soda" was unfair (I loved soda!).  Still I’d always gripe, “Why does everyone else get to drink soda and I don't?”   “How come Aunt May and her kids gets to drink soda when they come up to visit but I can't have any?”   Although I was a good whiner (much better than my siblings were), my whining never got me any soda.  It got me sent outside or to my room a time or two, but never any soda.

    Looking back, I'm glad my mom didn't allow me to drink much of that stuff.   Here I am in my mid 50's with strong healthy teeth (all of them), my bones are strong, and I don't have diabetes or cancer… all things that have been associated with consuming great quantities of soda when young.  When I got my first job I did go through a brief period when I drank soda (no one to say I couldn’t), but it didn’t last.  It was a bit expensive (I only made $6.10/hr) and drinking soda as an adult isn’t near as much fun as it was when you were a kid.  Wonder what Aunt May saw in it?

      December 14, 2017 2:14 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for a very thoughtful and informative reply Shuhak. Again. I have come to the conclusion that you don't know any other way to respond so YEA! Anyway your aunt's pepsi addiction reminds me of many years ago when I lived in Long Beach for a few months. My down-the-street-a-few-houses neighbor was a really great gal! She welcomed me to the neighborhood! We became friends instantly. I worried about her though because she consumed a six-pack of regular pepsi (remember the bottles?). No more no less. She was a bit on the large side but full of energy (how much sugar is in a pepsi?) and was always cheerful, upbeat and helpful. We moved and I lost touch with her. I hope she didn't end up with diabetes. You're lucky you had such a smart mom. Growing up we had soda occasionally but honestly we were of very modest means so when my mom bought food it was always what was the most nutritious. That would be milk. Some juices but usually she'd buy the oranges and we'd juice them because in those days it was cheaper. I'm 80 and have all my own teeth. Both my parents had false teeth and I remember seeing them in fizzy glasses each night. What a sight! I vowed that would never happen to me. I want to die with all my teeth inside my mouth. I think I'm gonna get to do that. About your aunt and the breakdown. I think 12 of ANYTHING DAILY FOR DECADES probably isn't healthy. Maybe broccoli or carrots or some other veggies. Fruit while healthy has a lot of natural sugar so large consumptions of it should be avoided. Eating the whole fruit is far preferable to drinking juice. Fruit juice on an empty stomach harms the metabolism because tons of sugar assault it all at once without  the benefit of chewing which releases gastric juices which in turn aids digestion. Did your aunt recover from the breakdown or was the breakdown the end of her as you recall her? We are what we think/say/feel/do. We are what we eat as well. There is no escape from it. Common sense should be our guide but when is that ever the first consideration? Methinks a question shall result from this. I know. Conversations always generate more questions. That, too, is inescapable! The benefit of having limited means forces you to make wiser choices. Another question here perhaps methinks. Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 15, 2017 4:30 AM MST
      December 15, 2017 4:28 AM MST

  • 10766
    YEs, I remember bottles.
    My aunt is still alive (mid 80's), but she's been a "marshmallow" since the incident (1977 or 1978?).  Probably due to the drugs.
      December 15, 2017 10:46 AM MST

  • 22891
    thats too many, i used to drink diet cokes myself but never 12 in a day,  i havent had a soda in yrs, i quit drinking them cause they were messing with my joints
      December 14, 2017 2:57 PM MST

  • 44736
    About the same as drinking 12 light beers a day...but not as fun.
      December 14, 2017 6:46 PM MST

  • 14795
    We buy normal Coke in two litre bottles......we don't drink it......we tip it down our toilets to clean them....god knows what's init ,but it cleans toilets in an instant.....

    My brothers  use Coke to desolve CarbonProducts on Diesel injectors in vehicles......the carbon is as hard as iron and Coke just disolves it......

    Diet coke and other brands are far worse than normal sugary drinks......god knows what chemicals are doing to people's bodies.....
    We drink water and beer has far less calories and gives one a mellow high........being such a short arse ,it's just right for me....:)D 
      December 15, 2017 5:41 AM MST

  • Way too many. Most people think that the diet version of soft drinks are better than sugar versions, but they couldn't be more wrong. Sure they have less calories, but the chemicals used to sweeten them and to give them the cola flavour are akin to poison. Steer well clear of them.
      February 16, 2018 11:34 PM MST