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Randy D
Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » At first the White House folks tried to present the Donald John as a "regular" president. They gave up. His learning curve is ZERO. Sad?

At first the White House folks tried to present the Donald John as a "regular" president. They gave up. His learning curve is ZERO. Sad?

The Donald John is an old dog but  he has zero interest in learning new tricks. He doesn't read. He knows all he needs to know sez he. And so they simply let him be the loose cannon and hope they are there when he  let's it rip! SIGH. An incorrigible malcontent with no observable talent. It could be worse. Uh. Well. Couldn't it? How?

Posted - December 15, 2017


  • 1305
    I hope you watch the following Rosie, because you are obviously concerned about your country as any good American would be, but Trump is no different to Hilary, and many of your other presidents they are controlled by the same people and their goal is the same....

    Who is behind multiculturalism? Because unknowingly you are supporting what Trump supports.

      December 15, 2017 12:01 PM MST